The Day Everything Changed

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You loaded a few rounds into your shotgun and pumped it to get it ready for today's mission. You turned around to face your team...your original team.

(Y/N): We good?

Raleigh Flynn, your partner, turned back to you and gave you a smirk. He had orange hair, and pale skin. He wore a white and blue shirt with a orange jacket and brown eyes. He wore black pants and shin high boots.

Raleigh: Oi, (Y/N)y, we can handle this one. Obviously.

(Y/N): Yeah, yeah. Just making sure you goof! Bruno, Opal?

Bruno Orin and Opal Vietor, your other two teammates joined the conversation. Bruno had tanned skin, black hair and hazel eyes. He wore a black shirt with a green and brown overcoat. Opal had long, dirty blonde hair, gray eyes, a pink buttoned up shirt and blue jeans. She wore a pair of black sneakers and some vambraces and knee armor.

Opal: We ready yet, boss?

(Y/N): We should be.

Bruno: And our mission, exactly?

(Y/N): Search and destroy, Bruno my bud. Complete annihilation.

Bruno: Joy.

Raleigh: It is. Let's rock it, boss man!

(Y/N): Then come on, the ship's waiting for us.

The four of you walk about the door.

Opal: Finally. I'm getting tired of the school setting.

Raleigh: It could be worse, it could be a monotonous journey through a forrest in which case we could easily take a train to a mega city.

Everyone stopped and looked at Raleigh.

(Y/N): That extremely specific pitch.

Raleigh: I'm just saying that would be bad. That's all.

Opal: Let's just get this over with.


You and your team finally arrive at an abandoned town. The four of you begin to move around and explore the area. As you are, Opal gasps.

Opal: Overhere!

You and the team run over and see two dead bodies, mangled and ripped to pieces.

Raleigh: What happened here?

Bruno: The mission files did say the town was abandoned for a reason.

(Y/N): We need to kept moving, find any Grimm you-

The ground beneath you rumbles. You all look at one another in confusion.

Raleigh: Wasn't me.

Opal: Quiet!

The ground rumbles again. You signal to Bruno to scan the ground with his echolocation semblance. Everything was silent for a few seconds until Bruno stood up and pointed directly in front of himself.

Bruno: Fire.

Taking Bruno's words as truth, you and Opal open fire with your weapons. The ground shakes again and a large, worm like Grimm emerges and leaps towards you. You quickly dodged the strike, but Opal was grabbed by the Grimm's teeth.

Raleigh: OPAL!

Raleigh ran into the side of the Grimm and with his force, able to get Opal out of the Grimm's clutches. However, he himself was whipped in the head by the Grimm's tail.

Yang Xiao Long X Male Reader: Breaking the ShellWhere stories live. Discover now