School Tour

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You had woken up in your new bed at Beacon with your new team. After a bit of rushing around due to your teammates (Mainly Gure and Burly) you were finally out into the world. Your first stop was some of your classes which you scanned over quickly since it was an off day. And it was because of that fact that you wanted to leave quickly.

You didn't mind human interaction, though it was normally with people you knew on a personal level. As such, you felt best to ignore everyone and see if your team was able to hang out today to stay safe from bullies. However, as you were walking, you ran into a gray armor, brown haired and indigo eyed student. According to the description from Gure, you knew the guy as Cardin Winchester.

Cardin: Well, well, well, boys. Look what we've got here. A little newby.

(Y/N): H-hi.

Cardin: Hey, buddy! (Extends a hand to you) Here.

You take his hand and he pulls you up only to punch you in the face. As you land on the ground, your vision gets a bit blurry, but you can hear Cardin and his team laughing. You eventually came around as Cardin looked down and smirked at you.

Cardin: You ok, "buddy"?

(Y/N): L-leave me, alone!

Cardin: I could, but-

A gunshot goes off and Cardin is sent into a wall. A yellow blur runs between you and Cardin and his team. You look up and see Yang standing before you, defending you from Cardin.

Yang: Back off!!!

Cardin: Since when do you care, Xiao Long?

Yang: Since you started hurting my friends! First Jaune and now (Y/N)? Next time, I'll break your neck!

Cardin: Your loss, Xiao Long! Come on, guys.

Cardin and his team walk away as you and Yang still standing there. She turned back to you and gives you the largest and brightest smile she could muster up.

Yang: Hey!

(Y/N): Um, h-hi, Yang.

Yang: You ready for that tour today?

(Y/N): I-I mean I've already seen all my classes. So you don't need to-

Yang: Nah! I got nothing going for today. Let's go!

Yang takes your hand and takes you through the school. As you were walking, Yang would never let you go, not even for a second. Needless to say, the whole situation was extremely awkward for you as some students gave you looks of happiness while others looked like they were about to take your head off.

Yang: And here's Professor Port's room!

(Y/N): Yang, I know. I've been here already!

She finally let go and spun around and pointed at you.

Yang: You promised me a tour, so I'm giving you a tour!

(Y/N): Alright! Chill...please.

Yang: Oh, scared of little old me.

(Y/N): No! interaction.

Yang once again wraps an arm around you and pulls you in closer to her.

Yang: You'll be fine! Stick with me, and ain't nobody gonna mess with ya.

(Y/N): Please don't say it like that.

Yang: Why? Not liking the Valean accent? (Winks)

(Y/N): Wh-what?! No! No! It's just-I mean-

Yang: (Laughing) It was a joke. I don't care.

Yang Xiao Long X Male Reader: Breaking the ShellWhere stories live. Discover now