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Yang Xiao Long. Often considered the fun loving member of Team RWBY of course had a soft side and cared deeply for people. One of these people was (Y/N) (L/N). The boy quickly peeked Yang's interest when they first met at Junior's Nightclub. Since then, the two have been great friends. Fighting together, joking together and Yang was even able to help the poor kid out of his bubble of pain.

In total, through these experiences, Yang's interests grew and grew for the guy. I mean, she had crushes before but never on this level. Was this like actual love? Probably. She always felt a pull towards him, and for unknown reasons...she wanted more. She wanted him.

Now, currently, she was kissing the guy who captured her heart. Yang pulled away after a minute of the kiss only to see you both blushing heavily. Yang then goes in and hugs you and pecks your cheek.

Yang: I'm here for you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Wh-what was that?

Yang: I, uh, I always wanted to do that for a while now.

(Y/N): R-really?

Yang: Yeah.

You move Yang by your side and let her lay her head on your shoulder. You wrapped an arm around her and brought her closer to you.

(Y/N): T-thanks.

Yang: (Y/N), I...I love you.

(Y/N): ...I love you, too.

You and Yang just sat there, enjoying the peace and quiet of the forrest. For once, ever since the day you lost them, you were at peace. You took Yang's hand in yours (just for what you intended for a brief moment) for several minutes before the both of you began to just drift into sleep. However, both you and Yang couldn't enjoy yourself any longer, a ship descended upon the both of you.

Out from the ship came Ruby, Silver and your sister.

Raine: Contact the others! We found them!

The three ran up to the two of you.

Ruby: Yang! Are you ok?!

Silver: (Y/N)? You good?

Yang: We're fine, guys. Maybe...even better.

While everyone was confused, that all stopped when your sister let out a massive "Aw". Both Ruby and Silver looked at her in a confused state until she pointed towards your hand intertwined with Yang's.

Ruby: Wait! Are you and him...

You both look at one another. You give a concerning look to Yang which she responded by giving you a large smile.

Yang: Yeah. Yeah we are!

Raine: OH! I'm so PROUD OF YOU, (Y/N)! Wait till Mom hears this!

(Y/N): W-wait! Sis! Raine!

Raine runs off and are forced to give chase. Yang laughs and joins in as does Ruby and Silver. However, as you were running around, the ground rumbles. You all stop as you freeze up in fear.

Yang: (Y/N)?

Ruby: What was that?

(Y/N): No. Not again.

Raine: (Y/N)?

Suddenly, a large Grimm Worm emerged from the ground and hit the bullhead forcing it to crash. Silver took out his axe and opened fire with his rocket launcher mode. Ruby also fires off some rounds with her sniper.

You just stood there in shock and horror as flashes from the day you lost your team. You just couldn't move you were in such shock. All around you, Silver and Ruby was running around, shooting at the Grimm. Raine was also firing off her own guns and slashing at the base of the Grimm before it went underground again.

Yang Xiao Long X Male Reader: Breaking the ShellWhere stories live. Discover now