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< Mangle's P.O.V. >

*crawling on the cieling to get to the night gaurds office* "I wonder if he's going to try and use his flashlight against me again. or mabey he will use that stupid mask". I stopped once I saw that fox again. My heart started to race. "I think i'll talk to him later...he seems busy trying to get the night gaurd". I crawled back to kidz cove. I started to think about him. "I love him but...could he really love someone as ugly as me. I'm told that i'm a trash pile or i'm ugly everday by the children. I'm sick of them telling me that I was causing them to go blind from them just looking at me.

6:00 A.M.

"The pizzeria opens at 8:00. I think i'll go talk to the fox. Or s-should I leave him alone? i'll just go to parts in service...and pretend that I never went in there before today". I climb on the wall to the cieling and crawl away. I crawl on the cieling down the hallway until I reached the door. I opened the door slowly. "hello? is anybody here?". "Who are you?" one of the animatronics said. It was him the fox I saw earlier. "um....well...I..uh..I-i'm M-mangle" I answered. " nice to meet you! I'm Foxy" he said. " so why are you in here?" he asked. " I-i just saw that door earlier and got curious about it. so I went in side and then this happened" I answered.

< Foxy's P.O.V. >

   " I-i just saw that door earlier and got curious about it. so I went in side and then this happened" she said.  I check the time, it was 7:00 A.M. "you have a hour before you to preform,you better get going" I told her. " why bother...I'll just get even more broken" she said sadly. I was confused because I have no idea what goes on over there. " what are you talking about? don't you have to preform with your friends?" I asked. " no...I have my own place..and the reason i'm broken is because of the children...they tore off my parts and put them some where else. the workers gave up on fixing me...and I became a toy for them to play with" she answered. " that sounds terrible" I said. "can I stay in here for a day or two so I won't be hurt again?" she asked. "sure but..won't the children wonder where you are?" I asked. " I doubt they even care" she said. "Foxy! who are you talking to?" a brown bear said. " um..Mangle..." I said.

"Mangle? who is that?" he asked. " M-me..." she answered. " oh hello Mangle, i'm Freddy Fazbear" he said. " so why are you here Mangle?" he asked. " I-I needed to find a safe place to hide from the children and found this place" she said. "why do you need to hide from the children?" he asked. "um..well.. you see..they ripped me up and tore me apart and i'm trying to get away from them." she said. " oh...you can stay here for as long as you want." he said. "thank you" she said.


That was it for today/tonight.I hope you enjoyed my book. I have to go to sleep now because it's night right now,cya later guys!

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