Chapter 1: The Beginning of The Hero Life!

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"Honey! Hurry up you don't want to be late for your first day!" Your mother yelled from the main floor, "Ok I'm coming!" You yelled back as you closed your bedroom door. "Today's the day!" You thought while smiling to yourself and heading down the stairs. "You excited honey?" Your mom asked while standing in the kitchen, handing you an apple "Oh yeah! I had a hard time sleeping last night because I couldn't stop thinking about today. I can't wait to see the place and meet everyone!" You exclaimed as you took a bite out of the fruit. 

You had entered and were starting the hero course late because of some 'personal issues' going on, but it's always been a dream of yours to attend UA, so you couldn't wait but were anxious at the same time since you didn't know what people were going to think of you. 

"Alright let's go before your late." Your mother said while grabbing her car keys. You finished your apple, grabbed your bag and put on your shoes before looking at yourself in the front way mirror one last time before heading out, fixing anything that looked out of place. 

Your mother and yourself got into the car and drove towards UA. Your house was not far but the excitement and nervousness made the ride feel much longer. You finally arrived at the school, looking at the huge building through the passenger window "you better get going hun." You look towards your mom with a mixture of emotions all over your face "I feel like I'm gonna puke." She lets out a little laugh "That's normal honey, but don't worry yourself too much, you'll do great." She gives you a reassuring hug. "Thanks mom" You step out of the car and shut the door. While rolling down the window, your mother cheerfully yells out, "have a good first day sweetheart!!" She blew a kiss and waved. "I'll try!" you responded while giving her your big white smile. 

You turned around, standing right outside the big front doors. So nervous to walk in, You took a deep breath and swung open the doors and walked quickly down the hallway with a skip in your step, being filled with excitement. You knew your way around since you had discussed it with administration earlier on, you had just never physically been in the school yourself before, so seeing everything for the first time made your excitement grow, admiring and taking it all in. 

Finally, you made it to your destination: your classroom door. "1-A..." quietly left your mouth as you observed the overly large entry way and giant lettering. Reaching for the door nob, you notice your hand started to shake. But you didn't want to be late anymore then you already were, so you firmly gripped the handle, took one more deep breath and slowly turned it. 

The second you pushed open that door, it felt like hot lasers were piercing right through your skin. So many eyes on you, making you scared to the bone, frozen with fear and very vulnerable. As you eventually went to go take that first step, you legitimately could not move. 

Looking down, you saw that there was actually ice connecting your feet to the classroom floor. You lifted your head up and looked around until noticed a guy from the back of the classroom was standing, had his arm up in your direction and was staring you down. In that moment, you felt like you were going to die, but then a deep tired voice tells that guy to unfreeze your legs. 

"Todoroki, this not an intruder, this is our new student."

Hey guys!!! This is my first chapter of my first story, so I'm sorry it's short, I have to work on it.

Edit (in 2021 my God): Hello, I have edited this chapter quite a bit, fixing grammar errors and adding new things. If you new to reading this, Congratulations! you got to avoid a writing disaster -_-
If you have started reading before this edit, hopefully you can forgive me for my terrible writing skills ;-;
I hope that either way you'll enjoy the story in it's new and for sure, improved form!

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