Chapter 10: History And Memories

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After Tensei has finished his presentation and talked to Tenya and some of the other students, he said his farewells and took his leave. You decided to go and talk to Tenya "Hey" you tapped him on the shoulder, he turned to you and gave a smile "Oh! Hi (L/N),
Do you need something?" You laugh a little
"First off,
we don't need formalities between us, (Y/N) is fine-" he rubs the back of his neck and nods
"-Second of all, can I ask you something..kinda personal?" He pauses for a moment then nods "Why...did you get so shocked that your brother came??" You ask with a bit of hesitation in your voice, Tenya stiffens up as you ask
"Well umm...I..haven't seen him for awhile-"
he looks to the side "He hasn't been home much lately" he looks back at you, with a bit of sadness in his eyes, you look down "I understand that feeling..." Tenya tilts his head "What do you mean..(Y/N)??" You take a sigh and look back up
"Someone important to me..has been gone for a few years, he's supposed to be coming back really soon, and now that the time is getting closer, it's just..
I don't know if our relationship will go back to how it used to..". Your conversation with Tenya continued, neither of you noticed that a certain someone was listening in on your conversation, and he wasn't too happy.


"So! Are you guys coming to my party tomorrow??" Uraraka jumps as she asks the group of girls
"Of course we all are!" Mina says happily as everyone else nods. She then skips over to the boys
"And will you guys be joining my party??"
She smiles brightly at them "I made time so yes"
Iida said with a slight smile
"Yay! How about you Izuku?" He smiles wide
"Of course I'll come!" She smiles big and brightly "And the rest of you??" Yuuga gives a charming smile "I definitely will". Denki, Sero, Kirishima
says yes, Todoroki says sure, Tomoyami, Mashirao and Shoji nod, Rikidou and Kouji give signals that they are coming and Mineta just sits there, knowing that if he says anything he's gonna get beaten up. You look over and stand up, you walk over to Uraraka "Why don't you invite him??"
You point at Mineta "HIM?! Do you know what he IS???" Mina says from her desk, you sigh and look over "Yes I've heard of his..Behaviour, but he still
is a student of 1-A, and this is a party for the class,
so just give him a chance at least" You ask Uraraka "Why do you want him to come so bad though?" Jirou questions at her desk
"Like I just said, he's a student in this class and
I think it's bullshit that you won't invite him!
I don't care if he's done something wrong in the past, maybe he'll change if he really wants to come,
and if he doesn't, then it doesn't really matter now does it?" You get a tad annoyed
"Listen, I know how it feels to not get invited
to things when everyone else does, it hurts BAD.
So I don't want someone else going through that" You take a deep breath and head back to your seat. All the girls look at eachother and Mineta is just speechless, a bit touched by your actions.
After a moment of thinking it over, Uraraka walks over to Mineta "You have one chance, One! Understand?" Mineta smiles wide and nods rapidly "Yes I understand!" She's nods in acknowledgement and walks over to Katsuki "What about you Katsuki, would you like to join all of us?" He looks at her and looks away "Why would I go to a fucking party? There's gonna be too much noise
and annoying ass music, it's gonna be super messy and-" "(Y/N) is going!" Mina yells out, Katsuki stops his sentence and flinches, you look at her in embarrassment "Mina!" He slowly looks at you "...You are?" You smile "Well of course I am!
It's gonna be fun." Katsuki looks down and thinks "Hmmm...Fine I'll go" Uraraka Jumps up and down "Awesome! Everyone is coming!"
She skips back to the group of girls. Kirishima
gets up and walks over to Katsuki
"So she's your weakness huh?" He smirks
"You shut your mouth Shitty hair! She isn't
a weakness! If anything, she's my strength!"
He says that a bit too loud that you hear him,
he notices and his face goes red
"You shoosh your face" you laugh a bit which makes him smile. You two just look at each other until the bell rings to signal lunch is over and everyone goes back to there designated spots, Aizawa-Sensei comes and starts class.

~Time skip~

The final bell rings and everyone starts to pack up their things, Tenya quickly packs his stuff and walks over to you "Hello (Y/N)" you turn to look at him "Oh hi Tenya, what's up??" He looks around for
a minute then looks back at you
"I wanted to ask you something" you tilt your head, he takes a deep breath
"I wanted to know if"- suddenly Tenya feels a tight grip on his shoulder "You wanted to know what Four eyes??"
Katsuki says surely pissed off
"U-uhh...whatever it is shouldn't be any of your concern Bakugou." Katsuki's eye twitches,
he goes face to face with Tenya
"...What did you just say to me?" You try to stop Katsuki "Don't do this Katsuki-" He gets really angry "What did you just fucking say to me?! None of my concern?! Your talking to MY girl! I just fucking got with her and you try to make a move!?"
Katsuki gets all up in Tenya's face, Tenya makes
a super confused face "Who said I was trying-"
Katsuki pushes Tenya against the wall and sparks come from his hand "Your Fucking Dead!"
Right before Katsuki has the chance to blast Tenya, he suddenly appears at the other side of the classroom. Katsuki realizes where he is
"What the fuck...??" Both the boys look at you,
Tenya speaks up "(Y/N)...Did you do that??"
You look down "Yes! Now stop fighting!
I hate seeing people I care about fight"
you look up with an angry expression,
you point at Katsuki
"Your my boyfriend" then you point and Tenya
"And your one my best friends" you whip your hand down "Your not supposed to fight with each other! No one should fight! And the reason this fight even started was cause you got Jealous Katsuki!"
You look at him
"You really think I would let other guys hit on me??" He looks to the side
"I was just talking to him!" Katsuki looks at you again "But he was acting suspicious, I heard you talking before!" You look confused
"..Before?? What are you-" You then realize what situation he was speaking about
"You mean before lunch??"
He nods "You were talking about how you felt like your relationship wasn't gonna go back to normal!" You start to get pissed "..You were eavesdropping
on our conversation?? Katsuki throws his hands up "You were standing right there!
Others could've easily heard you two as well!"
You get super confused "so what do you think
I was talking about??" Katsuki sighs
"You have a someone you used to date that left to go somewhere for awhile and is coming back and...
I dunno you two were planning on getting back together after he came back but you weren't sure if it was gonna work..."
he slowly looks at you. There's a bit of a silence till you break it "That's gross." Katsuki gets the most confused face "Wait what??" You laugh a bit
"you think the person I was talking about was an Ex??" Katsuki nods, still confused "Noooo, never!" Tenya and Katsuki look at eachother, than back a you
"Then who are you talking about (Y/N)??"
Tenya asks you. You look at them both, a anxious pause accrues until you speak up,
"The authors of the journals...
My brother."
To be continued...

Hey everyone, first off I wanted to say thank you all so very much for your patience!
I know I have, once again, taken extremely long to post a chapter and I know it can sometimes be annoying. Second off, sorry about the random journal talk at the end (brother's idea). It's a quote from a show, comment and tell me where you think it's from! Thanks again!
That's it!
Peace! ✌️

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