Who bita what now?

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As we made our way to class we started joking and laughing.Yuno almost fell over Yuko because Yuko decided to do the james bond crawl in the middle of the hall way saying 'the names komori,Yuko komori.'.The bell rang and we started to run to class then a teacher came and decided to stop us."No running in the hallways unless your running to see Jesus.If you are let me know so i can come with you."We started to walk to class laughing."I love Mr.K he's so funny!"when we got to our next class we sat together at the computers,did our bell work then started to work on our google earth project.We finished in about. 10 mins because it was really easy all you had to do was type in the stuff and type it on your paper.After we finished the project,we went back to talking."So yui,are you gonna be living with the mukamis or the sakamais?"I have no choice but to stay with the mukamis because im gonna get in trouble if i leave.i wish i could be with you guys though."I looked down in sadness and i felt tears well up in my eyes."Yui."said Yuko and Yuno at the sane time.I raised my hand and asked be excused.As i left the class room and went into the restroom i ran into a group of girls talking about something.They stoped talking and looked at me angrily.I walked pass with my head down.As i was about to go into one of the stalls one of the girls grabbed me and pushed me on the ground."Owie..."I looked up and saw the top three most rudest and popular girls of the school or so i was told."Whats your relationship with the sakamakis!?!?"I looked up at her confused."Ummm...I live with them."Their looks got even more angrier than i thought possible."The leader of the group told the girl to back away from me and she did as she was told.As the girl backed the leader of the group stepped forward."She was taller than me she looked like a giant heck im shorter than Kanato-sama!"(in this story,people were like make yui yunger than everybody so i made her 15 since subaru is 16 so...yeah)"Hey."I sightly trembled a bit from how icey cold her voice was."Y-y-yes?"I couldnt help but stutter i was terrified!!"Do you like any of the Sakamakis or mukamis,if so tell us now."'Oh no if i tell them then they might tell every body or worst!Tell ********************(not gonna put the exactly how many letters that person's name has you'll have 2lto wait and see mu ha ha ha!!!) what should i do!?!?'"Uuumm... I-i umm..""WHAT ARE YOU GIRLS DOING IN HERE!!!"We turned around to see a teacher from down the hallway looking at me and then the girls in fury."We were just helping her up and had a quick chat."She looked at me and winked.I nodded my head in agree ment."Okay then.Now get to class.The bell is about to ring.""Yes mam."we choursed abd we walked out together.I felt some one touch my shoulder abd flinched.i turned to see the leader."Y-yes."The leader looked at me with a small blush on her face."M-meet me on the roof!"Before i could ask questions she sped walked to her group and they walked off.I blushed a bit abd walked back to class.Once i got back,everybody was packing up and getting ready to leave i got my stuff and once the bell rang we waited for everybody to sit down ao the teacher would let us go to our bext class."Good bye have a good weekend class.""Bye Mrs.W."As me and my brothers walked to to our next clsss,they asked what happend and if i was okay.I told them what happend minus the pushing me to the floor and the meet me on the roof stuff."Wow,let me know next time so i. Tell them off!!."as we walked to class i saw the leader again and she looked at me then hurried and looked away with a blush.'Is she sick or something?'
To be continued......

Hello my beautiful and handsome bakas,the next chapters are gonna be better than this one i promise!!
My friends:Shut up Z.Aways she does NOT own diabolik lovers.
Me:I wanted to do the disclaimer!!
My friends:Shut up
Me:AAAHHHH*goes to the emo corner and rips up paper*
My friends:Z what are you doing?
Me:Im building a hamster home...
My friends:Oh lord

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