Short Story

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Once upon a time...... Hold on let's get back to reality. My name is Elizabeth Rogers and this is my story. I live in Quantico, Virginia on the USMCFR Base. In a week's time, I will be transferred into the HAWCS Hanger, I believe it's in the USSTRATCOM Special forces Delta Base. My father works in the Special Communications sector for the Marines, but personally, I prefer the HAWCS. My father has been recently assigned a deployment to Iraq, but he is too old to be over there. So to save his life and keep him safe I have come up with a plan. I'm just not sure if he will agree, but it's the right decision for me.

A week Later - Enlistment

"Reel, Front, and center!" "Yes, Sir! " I reply. Here I am mentally contemplating whether or not this was the right decision, As I come to attention, I grab a quick glance at my commanding officer. One thing was for sure he was a jerk but he was melt in your mouth gorgeous.

It was time to turn into Jessica Reel.

Jessica Reel was a "lethal weapon", some people called her the Dark Assassin.

"Reel, Detail! "

"Name Reel Jessica, 21 years old, Have been transferred from marine Special force Delta to HAWCS Command SIR"

"At ease, return,"

My god, one would think he would treat me with some respect but obviously not. Newcomers mustn't be his thing. But I wasn't new I'd seen war before. In fact, I'd seen it all. Why should I worry about him? I am here to serve my country, more importantly, I was here to serve my father and to make him proud.

I was about to go through 4 weeks of hardcore training and so I better try and not kill him.

I might have to learn how to be nice. Looking at him now I can see that's gonna be fun.....NOT.

"Detachment Attention. " "My name is Captain Alex Darcy-Hunter and I am your commanding officer. This is not for the faint hearted you are now a part of the Hot Zone all-forces warfare commandos, and as far as Mr. Joe citizen is concerned we don't exist.

You are now a ghost, on this mission if you are captured in any way possible and you are killed then bad news people; you don't exist and we don't know you. You have no identification. Welcome to hell".

"Mission Brief". On this mission, we will be required to infiltrate and take ownership of the Persepolis ruins until stronger forces arrive. We do not yet know if the Takavaran will be there waiting for us or if it's trap. On this mission, some of you may die but remember you died for the safety of your country. The ruins will be infiltrated via airdrop. "Sir, does that mean HALO ?" Reel asked. Hell Yeah, I'm gonna throw you out a plane and see how you go.

"Reel, Kent, Scoot I trust you have all performed a HALO jump, if you haven't, well then, I hope you like vomit in your pressurized helmet."

Kent and Scott's faces went from appraising eyes at Reels body to looks of horror and disgrace at the thought of having vomit in their helmets. I think we have two scaredy cats in our unit Sir, "I thought you said they were Army Rangers." Reel said she gave the two boys a look of amusement. The boys looked back at her with looks of when we get out of here we are gonna kill you. Reel noticed this and said, "Bring it on boys." Alex looked at them and just shook his head and laughed, but he couldn't help notice how strong and beautiful Reel was and how much he wanted to get to know her so much more..... But he also felt a love arising for her.

Deployment - Iraq

Well, people here we are, As I like to say go in fast and come out smiling. Tonight is going to be the hardest battle of your life. Good men and women will die tonight but some will survive and live to tell the story.

"HAWCS LEAPFROG MANEUVER NOW"! ENEMY FIRE ENEMY FIRE. I'm dry Reload Time yelled Alex. As Reel jumps over him to take his position, Alex falls to the ground in a heap of blood and swearing.

Then there was nothing........ No more gunfire nothing.

As Reel looks around she realizes she is the only one left standing injury free. As her eyes move over the battlefield she sees Alex's lifeless body there on the sand, the sand turning a deep red color as his blood oozes out. Reel runs over to him, as tears start streaming from her eyes she kisses him and says I love you and there is something you should know, my name isn't Jessica Reel. My name is Elizabeth Rogers daughter of The General of the Marine corps. And you should also know that I have fallen in love with you. Please don't leave me.

Reel looks at him, his eyes start to open and the blood stops, It was like magic before her eyes he was healing. He sits up and places a soft gentle hand on her neck, then draws her in and kisses her, he looks her in the eyes and says I already knew that. I want to you never do that to me again.


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