Chapter 1 - Ambrose's Nightmare

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Dedicated to the genius of RobThier

[Please note: I see this story as taking place after 'Silence Is Golden' but before 'Silence Breaking'. I am also British, so will use British spelling and grammar not American. Thanks.]

POV = Ambrose

This was not how my meticulously planned expedition was supposed to go. As we (myself, Mr Linton & Karim) reached the midway point of the ancient rope bridge that spanned The Golden Gorge, Brazilian soldiers swarmed across the small plateau that was at the end of the rickety structure ... and our intended exit.

Karim was in front of me. He let out a low growl as he whipped his sabre from its sheath.

"Sahib, do you wish for me to advance and deal with these pigs?"

I was just about to reply when a voice - a rather feminine voice - piped up from behind me.

"Er, Sir ... I think we currently have more than one problem to deal with. Actually, more than two!" I whipped around to see what she was talking about.

"Mr Linton, what could poss ... ah."

"Indeed Sir. How are your sleeves? Full of brilliant escape plans I hope, Sir!"

On the side of the gorge where we had stepped onto the bridge, the Argentinian army was lining up with their weapons aimed squarely at the three of us.

"I guess they're not too happy with your tax avoidance Sir!"

"Mr Linton?"

"Yes Sir?"

"If you don't have anything constructive to say then kindly shut up." She looked over her right shoulder with a half smirk on her face and gave me a mocking salute.

"Yes Sir! But what about them?" She pointed northwest. 

Rushing through the jungle clearing on the same side as the Argentinians were the native savages that we encountered a few days ago. They were armed with spears and those infernal poisoned blowpipes and they too were heading towards us in search of our blood. Could this day get any worse?


"Karim, it would seem that we have a triple problem to deal with right now." 

I felt the huge Mohammedan turn behind me. I turned to look at him and his eyes nearly tripled in size. Impressive. He muttered an Indian curse under his breath and positioned himself so that he could see the threats on both sides of the gorge.

"I don't suppose we can hope that they will all kill each other and leave is unscathed on this creaky old bridge, eh Sir?"

"That indeed would be hopeful thinking Mr Linton."

I had to admit to myself that I had been quietly impressed with Miss Lillian Linton during this expedition. Despite the heat sending her a little doolally at times, she had not reacted like a typical female whilst facing the many perils that had crossed our path. She had even saved Karim and myself from a poisoned dart attack - but I would never admit that out loud to her. Even now, as we were surrounded by enemies on both sides, she maintained a calm exterior.

But there was nothing typical about the woman I made dress as a man everyday to become my secretary Mr Victor Linton. No. She was bold, fearless, cunning, mischievous, funny and strangely alluring. I actually enjoyed her company most of the time, even when she was annoying the life out of Karim. It made me smile on the inside thinking about how flustered she could get him, and how fast! But now - how on earth was I going to get her, well all of us, out of this predicament?

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