The Dream Worth Wishing For

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I pressed my lips against the poster on the wall. I pulled away, the taste of printed ink paper on my red stained lips. I took a step back admiring my prized possession of my Black Veil Brides poster. Each name of each band member was scribbled across the poster sloppily. Yet again, I was going to get to meet them. I hoped only that they would simply remember me.

I have dreamed this day over so many times before. I strolled into the bathroom and began wrapping and pulling bracelets up on my wrists covering my pale skin. I grabbed a black marker and began writing bvb related things all over my skin. The white paleness of my skin clashed with the black on a way that appealed to me.

I looked in the mirror, and for once was happy with the reflection staring back at me. I was never one to wake up every morning to a perfect life. I was never please with who I was and am. My parents aren't either and I feel that it's my fault my mom left no matter how many times my father says its not. He blames it on himself and hasn't been the same since. He doesn't even notice I'm here anymore. He doesn't even love me anymore...... no. I wouldn't let myself cry. Tears never suited me. I liked to believe I was strong and could handle anything; even though I couldn't.

I forced a smile on my thin lips and began to think about the concert and my re-meeting with Andy and the band. I never felt out of place at their concerts. Everyone was the same. Everyone was a fan. Everyone was in the army.

I scanned my reflection one more time, noticing how my black hair was sticking to my smeared war paint. I ran my fingers through my hair smiling at the black color I painted my fingernails. I took a step back so I could see my full appearance. My Bvb shirt with my skinny jeans and black army boots made me definantly look like a warrior, and I was loving it. I started walking down the hall as my dad saw and stopped me.

"You look so much like your mother" He said holding back tears. "She would be proud." I laughed to myself knowing that I looked nothing like my mother except we both have blonde hair but I cover that up so we would never look the same. I also knew she would not be proud of the monster she had created. Who would be? That little emo kid, goth girl, punk slut, disappointment, and so many labels. No one was proud of what I was. I still felt bad for my father though. As much as I hated his weakness and how he let it show, I couldn't help but pity him. I knew how much he loved mom. Mom. The thoughts of her and feelings I had were bitter. I felt horrible for my dad and his trembling body but I did not let that show on my face. I walked forward leaving him behind me. I opened the door and from behind I heard my father yell;

"I love you Juliet! Don't forget it!" Juliet. How I hated that name. I went by Jules usually but mom picked it out so of course he loves it. I continued on and slammed the door. 17 and still with my dad. Only a few more years. I started the car up and wasted no time letting it warm up. I backed out of the driveway and drove away. I was never one to have friends so I was going with no one. The car was filled with lost it all by black veil brides. I drove on until I saw the parking lot. Where Andy and the rest, were awaiting inside.

I walked in, the crowd around me was throwing me around. Andy came on and I could hear screaming in my ear.....or was that my own? It didn't matter now. The mosh pit began and I smiled as I joined in.

After a few more songs I left for a minute, searching for a bathroom. As I walked down this empty place, I felt a gentle buzz. I look down to my phone, and unlocked it; reading the text.

Hi Honey! Having fun? Hope so. I miss you. You mean the world to me! Love you! Love, DAD

I rolled my eyes and felt annoyed. He's been acting this way since he heard me listening to Hollywood Undead's song bullet. It's one of my favorites. I asked myself if I should reply then laughed as if it was a joke.

"What's so funny?" asked an incredibly sexy voice. It was deep and enchanting. It sounded.....familiar... I looked up out of curiosity and lost my breath once I did. Standing in front of me was Jake Pitts. I'm guessing the band was taking a break or something because there he was. I stood there gasping for air. I took a step back and leaned up against a wall. He looked at me and raised his eyebrow; waiting for responce. I responded with some odd noises then brought myself to speak; " know just...." I held up my phone as proof. "texting." He nodded making a quiet agreeing sound. He took a step towards me. Naturally; I tried to take a step back but realized the wall was still behind me. He smiled slightly then took another step towards me. I stood there. Nervous. Paralyzed, as he took one more step. I could feel his breath. He was right in front of me. Jake Pitts was right in front of me.

"Calm down" I muttered to myself. A smile spread across his face. Obviously he heard me. I saw something move from my perifial vision. My eyes looked down and focused in what was moving. His hand moved up and placed it under my chin; directing me to look back at him. He slowly leaned in and I felt my heart jump.

"JAKE!" I heard a voice yell. Jake quickly pulled back before his lips could touch mine and turned around. I looked at who broke apart my moment. Ashley. Jake turned back to me then pulled a marker put of his pocket. He signed my arm then quickly turned away to follow Ashley; which had already left and turned around a corner. I stood there and watched Jake disappear around the same corner then looked down on my arm.

Hey babe. Find me on the tour bus after the concert. -Jake Pitts

I squealed then lost my breath. I lost my sight; everything went blurry. All was dark. I felt my legs collapse on me, the world was growing darker and the world around me, was now black.

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