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The room was filled with soothing sunlight and there lay two young men topless with one too deep in sleep while other too deep in thoughts.

Kongpop being the morning person he was, was awake for a while and was staring at his boyfriend who was right beside him and was sleeping. How can a person look this cute while sleeping, well the mere existence of Arthit was cute for Kongpop. He still can't believe it that Arthit choose him out of people to be his lover, he was just so lucky to have him, last night was the best night of kongpop's life or at least as good as the night when Arthit took Kongpop to Rama Bridge and confessed to him and finally kissed him, thinking about these things he felt sudden urge to touch Arthit again.

He looked at the time it was 10:00 AM, they didn't have class but he also didn't want to spend the entire day sleeping, in bed maybe but certainly not just sleeping.So he decided to wake his boyfriend up.At first, he was just going to shake him and call his name but then he got another idea.

Arthit was too deep in sleep and was dreaming about his boyfriend then he felt something on top of him and not just on top of him but also touching him and kissing him, he was getting excited and soon realised this was not a dream and  opened his eyes wide and was face to face with his boyfriend who was on top of him and was now making his way to Arthit's shorts.

"Wtf Kongpop, how can you be so horny first thing in the morning?" He shouted.

" I was just trying to help you Oon, You looked like you needed me, what were you dreaming about babe?" Kong said smiling and putting his hands on Arthit's thighs and rubbing them slightly.

"Nothing, get off me, you horny pervert" Arthit sit up straight and slightly pushing kongpop away and hiding his blush and embarrassment.

" Are you sure babe? I can help you.." Kong teased him again.

" No thanks, I'll manage" Arthit said and started making his way to get a shower but he couldn't move.

" I fucking hate you,  I can't move now thanks to you, you piece of shit" Arthit told kongpop.

" Hahaha P', If I remember correctly, you were the one who wanted to try P' Bright's gift right away" Kong told Arthit.

" Omg, I... Didn't... You... are just like bright.. a pervert that's all" Arthit said again hiding his blush.

" Hahaha You are so ungrateful P', You should thank P'Bright, he really gave us something so useful and that we can use every day now" Kongpop told Arthit " Yeah we'll soon use all them up but still a great gift" he added.

" Shut up, Shut up, you idiot" Arthit couldn't take this embarrassment anymore and hid inside his blanket. "Go buy me breakfast" he said to make kong stop teasing him.

"Oh, you are right babe, we'll need energy for our activities now" Kong said making his way to the door and Arthit threw a pillow at him.

"Oh my god, Fuck me" Arthit cursed.

" Yeah sure, I would love to babe, just forget about the breakfast" Kong said ready to jump on the bed again.

" KONG I'LL KILL YOU" Arthit shouted once again and this made kong leave.


Kong was waiting for Arthit to get ready for their date and was meanwhile gawking at his sexy boyfriend. Arthit noticed it and asked him " Don't you have anything better to do than to just stare at me like this?"

" No, there's nothing better, well actually yeah there is like kissing you, touching you and making you mine, do you want me to do that?" Kongpop said amused.

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