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Morning came and kong was again back on his daily schedule of stalking Arthit through his balcony, today he considered himself lucky since Arthit had washed his curtains and kong was too sure that he was too lazy to put another one up again. When they were together, kong used to do this for him and would nag him a lot about it since he didn't want anyone to peek into Arthit's room.

But today he was so grateful for Arthit's laziness, he could watch Arthit sleep from his balcony very clearly. He remembered the times when Arthit slept over in his room or when he was in Arthit's room, he would just watch Arthit sleep. He had a cute sleeping face according to kong, but his favourite was Arthit's flushed face, whenever kong would tease him, kissed him or they did anything, Arthit would turn just so red and will not even make eye contact, kong was missing all those times, he was missing doing things with Arthit and doing him but scolded himself for thinking about such things so early in the morning.

After taking a shower, he was all prepared to go to college but since he had some time, he again went to his balcony and started watching Arthit, he was still sleeping. Kong was sure if no one wakes him up, Arthit can sleep the entire day. This made him chuckle, it was almost 9 A.M. and Arthit showed no sign of waking up anytime soon as he had a late class. Kong was getting ready to leave but then he saw Arthit moving and cursing and kong stopped, he should go after watching Arthit shouting at whosoever is at the door. He was sure it must be one of his friends, who else would visit Arthit, that too so early in the morning.

But as Arthit opened the door, both kong and Arthit were surprised, to say the least as Godt, just entered the room and then kong saw them talking and Arthit a bit flustered, he was confused, angry and irritated all at once. What was Godt doing so early in his room, then he saw Arthit was just in his tank top and super short shorts and frowned, he was so angry as he saw Godt staring more like drooling over his boyfriend, yeah yeah ex-boyfriend and then he thought did P'Arthit invited him over? And this made him even angrier and he just left for class.

Now, kong and his friends were in their second year and were part of the hazing team and as decided before kong would be the head hazer in his third year. They were relaxing in the break before they have to attend the hazers meeting.

Kongpop was still in a foul mood due to what he saw in the morning, he didn't talk much the whole day and was just thinking about why did Arthit call him over so early in the morning? Did Arthit also have some feelings for Godt? Has he also started to like Godt now? Why did he give in to Godt so easily? He didn't even shout at him when he disturbed his sleep, had it had been kong, he probably wouldn't even have got out of bed to open the door and if he did, he would have thrown a huge fit. His thoughts were making him even angrier.

Aim: Hey kong, have you heard about the latest gossip in college? You are not the number one topic now.

Kong: No Aim and I'm not interested.

Aim: Just listen na, Girls and Guys are going crazy over P'Godt he just transferred here for one semester and everyone already wants to date him. Do you know where he's staying?

Kong: "How would I know Aim? And I told you I'm not interested, so just stop." Kong was in no mood to hear anything more about that Godt.

Aim: Are you sure? I thought you would be...

Kong: "Why do you think so?" He asked irritated.

Aim: He's staying next door to P'Arthit's dorm and they have been spotted together so many times actually Godt is always around P'. Some are even saying that they are maybe dating secretly.

Kong: "I'll meet you directly in the meeting", he said and left.

Kong was not feeling well at all. Why was Godt getting so many chances to be with Arthit when he, on the other hand, hasn't even properly talked to Arthit unless it is an issue related to hazing or studies. Kong was excited about today's meeting because he knew Arthit and his friends were going to join them today. He was so happy that he might get to talk to Arthit but today's event just made his mood worse and worse. Now he didn't know what to do.

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