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**Arthit's POV**

I woke up a little disoriented. This was not my room, why did I drink so much last night. I looked around, the room was familiar, shit this was kongpop's room. Did I sleep with him last night? What the hell, how stupid can I be? I must have gone crazy. None of my friends even stopped me those good for nothing friends, should I just run back to my room and start ignoring him again.

No Arthit, think about it, even if I was out of it, kong was sober right, yeah kong the gentleman would never do this right. When I was trying to remember things, last night's memory came back, that bastard Jim, he tried to take advantage of my drunken state. I remembered, he was mumbling something, but then, he didn't do anything right, I started panicking again.

Then I remembered kong came, punched him and yeah he brought me back and then I slept, thank god nothing bad happened last night, I also remembered Apple kissing Praepalin, so Kong and Apple broke up? But why am I so excited about this? Yeah, shut up Arthit.

I thought about what happened last night, I remember some things in fragments like about Jim, Apple and talking to Godt and talking to Kong, I really hope I didn't say anything stupid to kong last night, like how much I cried for him and stuff like that because I will have to leave this city if I did. This is so frustrating, I'm not going to drink again ever.. ugh...

I was busy thinking about last night then the bathroom door opened and kong came out.


"Oh you are up P'?, You can take a bath now.. then we'll go back to your dorm to see if that jerk is still there or not ok?" Kong told Arthit.

"Ok" Arthit replied. And went to shower.

"Kong.. last night..." Arthit started talking, he really wanted to thank him for helping him.

" You don't have to thank me or anything P', so don't force yourself to talk about it" Kong told him.

" No I want to, Thank you so much for helping me and understanding me too and sorry for being a bother and imposing on you like that" Arthit said, the last person he wanted to help him was Kong, but of course that didn't happen.

" You don't have to think like that, I was the one following you, you are never a bother to me, you should know that" kong told him irritated, why was Arthit acting like kong didn't have any right to worry about him? But he has decided to get him back and he will not back out now even if Arthit acts like this.

"Ok, about You and Apple..." Arthit finally asked, this was bothering him since last night, it doesn't matter what will kong think about him, he really wanted to know, he can ask such things as a senior right?

"Haha, really, you wanna talk about this now?? You are really impossible Oon" kong told Arthit in disbelief as they were on their way to Arthit's dorm and instead of talking about the incident, Arthit wanted to talk about Apple but kong was amused too since this shows Arthit's jealousy and his feelings.

" It was stupid, Me and Apple, it meant nothing, It just happened, I guess I should have told you about the break-up. Yeah, I regret not saying anything." Kong told him sincerely.

Arthit was surprised to hear, what the hell is wrong with kong? Arthit was going out of his mind. How can just so casually say it didn't mean anything? 

"You didn't have any feelings or consideration for her she's your ex after all" Arthit mumbled.

"There's only one ex of mine that I still have feelings for and I think you know him" kong said winking.

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