Lollipop 1

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A/N: Imagine Yoongi's hair is black in the pic. IF someone is reading this. I mean, all of his hairstyles fit him though. It's just that Black haired Yoongi is ♥♥.

Warning: Some unappropriate things ahead.

3rd person's POV

"Gah, I'm out of food" Yoongi groaned checking his fridge. The past months have been difficult for him. The pay for a waiter isn't giving him much. He's been delayed for months in his rent. He couldn't even buy anything for his little self.

Sighing, he checked his wallet. Still enough for the week, he thought while searching for his keys. He rummage through his desk's drawer full of scratch papers of lyrics. He finally found his keys and exit his apartment.

Eviction Notice

Yoongi eyed the bold letters plastered outside of his door. This definitely made my day. This just means he only have three days to search for somewhere else to live.

Yoongi thought of having another job. He'll accept any kind of job just to have enough money to pay a small apartment. He's getting desperate.

Ever since he was kicked out of his own home, he dropped out of  school and has been supporting himself since then at the age of sixteen. Now, he is twenty and he's still having a hard time having a stable life.

Yoongi walk down the street while checking every window for any signs of job hiring, setting his hunger aside. He continued glancing left and right for any signs of hope until his eyes landed on a certain store. A candy store.

No, not today. Yoongi internally sweatdropped when he felt his body betraying him. His feet dragged him closer to the said store. He already felt himself slowly slipping. It's been long since he ate candy.

The little stop right in front of the store. Something attracted his eyes from the display, a round violet and pink lollipop. Little Yoongi entered the store.

"Good afternoon, Welcome to Sunshine Candy Store" A guy with a heart shape smile welcomed him. Yoongi give him his cute gummy smile in return. His attention span to the man seems to zap down to zero and look for the pretty lollipop.

When his eyes finally find the treat, he pouts. The price is too much. He didn't have enough to buy it to himself. The little could also feel his big side groan while pleading little Yoongi not to spend the money left on his wallet. That made the latter pout even more while eyeing the pretty lollie.

The little could feel tears forming in his eyes as he whined to himself quietly.

"Uh.. Excuse me? Are you okay, sir?" A deep voice snap him out of his thoughts. Yoongi turned to him as he didn't recognize the voice as the hearty smile man who greeted him earlier. "Y-yeah..." Trying to sound big.

The guy in front of the little is tall, making him feel intimidated with the height difference. The stranger smiled to him and boi... He's gorgeous. Damn those dimples. Big Yoongi take over again but he only give the other his usual poker face.

Big Yoongi immediately walked out of the store without talking to the nice tall guy, avoiding his eyes to any evil sugary triggering treat. Weird... The latter thought. Yoongi decided to go to the park for some fresh air. The black haired boy needed some time to relax.

The park has no people other than him. He sat on the bench and closed his eyes. I really hate myself, the boy thought to himself. After all the time he's been living alone, Yoongi still cannot accept his little self fully. He'll always end up in the middle of trouble when he get out of his accidental slipping into little space. This was also the reason why he was disowned.

"Excuse me, pretty..." Yoongi looked up finding a man with red eyes and very large grin. It makes him uncomfortable. The way the man eyes him feels like he's naked in front of the man which made him self-concious.

"... Uhm—"

"No time talking pretty. Let's have some fun hihi~"


The drunkard makes him feel little. He feels like crying. He feels like slipping but he's forcing himself to be big.

"What da ya mean NO?!! Slut, I'll give you a punishment"

The man slapped him and pulled him in an empty alley and pinned him on the wall. By now, he is already in the brink of tears. Yoongi can't fight back. The man was too strong for him. All he can do is scream for help and think of a way to escape.

The rent.

The bills.

The lolly.

No friends.


The drunkard.

Those phrases in his mind cause him to break down while the man is forcefully kissing his neck leaving bruises and ripping his clothes.



Another slap.

"N-No!" Yoongi struggled to get out of his grasp. The drunk man throw him on the floor causing the little to hit his head on a rock. The man spat on him and kick him on his stomach drawing out blood from Yoongi's mouth.

" I DON'T LIKE FILTHY BITCHES LIKE YOU" The man shouted and left angrily.

"Eo-eomma" The little choked out a sob because of the combination of stress and pain. He can already feel the blood flowing out of his head, his vision blurring.


Yoongi heared a fierce but gentle voice exclaimed. The little is fully crying and having anxiety. He curled up in a ball as an attemp to protect himself despite of the pain he's feeling. He doesn't really understand what was happening but he's scared.

"P-please d-don't h-hurt-t Yoo-yoonie. Y-yoon-nie s-scared...." That is the last thing the little said before darkness consumed him.


Chapter 1 out..

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