Chapter 8: Christmas present

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Stan's P.O.V

Stan was lying in bed. Sleepily looking up at the sealing, he got himself up. "Huh, I guess I better help Kyle get his dream boi" he chuckled. He hopped up from his bed.

"Cya dad, I'm going out for a bit." He said, smiling at his father. "Oh already Stanley? It's only like 9:00 in the morning."

Stan rolled his eyes. "I'm doing something important." He waved by to his father and headed out. He saw cartman and headed over. Maybe Kyle does like cartman, and he's just not telling me. "Hey cartman!" He said standing beside him.

"Oh hey Stan, have you seen jimmy? We were doing a comedic thing today." He said, working on a stage. "No.. but maybe you should check their houses." He said sarcastically. "Look, has Kyle been acting weird towards you lately?'

Cartman gasped "woah Stan, he has been acting weird lately!" Then he started to laugh. "No, he's been acting like a Jew lately." He said, "which is normal for him." He added quietly.

Stan shook his head, annoyed. "Well ok then, thanks. I guess." He walked away, hearing cartman shout after him, "no probleeem!"

He walked up to Kyle's house, and knocked on the door. Kyle opened the door, looking better. He had a wide smile on his face. "Hi Kyle. You look better." Stan said, giving him a slight smile.

"So, have you figured out who I like??" He said, curiously. "No." Stan whispered sourly, looking down at the ground

Kyle's P.O.V

Kyle giggled, and bent down and kissed Stan on the forehead. All of a sudden he saw Stan flinch. Aw crap should I have done that? "Uhm I- I'm sorry Stan I-" Stan grabbed him and straight on kissed him.

Now Kyle was the one tooken by surprise. What made it worse is everyone saw. He saw Craig and tweek walking down the street. Craig looked like he had seen a ghost, and tweek looked confused.

They both pulled away, Kyle already knew his face was beet red. "Stan if you couldn't tell I like you." He said, almost too quiet to hear. "Y'know Kyle, your so cute when your embarrassed." Stan said, his eyes full of some feeling, Kyle still couldn't read.

"Stan.. do you like me?" Kyle said, he has to, he just kissed me, on the lips too!  Stan looked embarrassed all of a sudden. "Yea.. I guess I never really knew I like liked you." He murmured.

Kyle looked up and sighed. Craig was running over. "Did I just see you two kiss?!" He said, with the little emotion he had. Stan spun around. "Uh... Yea you did."

Craig looked stumped. "Wow. I'm surprised you finally noticed Kyle liked you." He said starting to laugh. "Literally everyone knew, the way he hung around you all the time-"

Kyle felt like he was gonna burst. "Can you shutup Craig?" He hissed quietly. "Well everyone except cartman.. he's pretty blind to stuff like this."

  Stan shrugged "eh, you'd be surprised" he muttered blankly. Craig rolled his eyes, and walked off, dragging tweek with him.

Kyle just stood there, completely embarrassed. Everyone knew? He felt completely stupid. He felt Stan poke him. "Dude, you ok?"

"I don't feel right." He muttered. "Let me process this." He walked in his house. Stan waited outside.

What if we break up? I know he'd hate me. We wouldnt be friends anymore.. would we? He sat there thinking. Stan walked in the room. "Hey, sorry your mom let me in." Stan murmured.

"Stan if my dad finds out he's gonna kill me." Stan sighed. "What do you think my dad'll think?"

Kyle sighed. "It'll be fine ok. I just won't tell my parents.. then they can't put their horrible opinions on our relationship." Stan kissed his head " I guess this is the best Christmas gift I could ever get." He murmured.

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