Chapter 13: ??

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Kyle's P.O.V

Kyle was at his house, trying not to frown. He got onto his phone. "God dammit Stan." He muttered.

Kyle knew he wasn't perfect, but Stan kept insisting he was. He hung a picture up on a board. He smiled. They were as gay as Tweek and Craig. Even though that sounded weird, it made him kind of happy though.

He got out his phone. They had a group chat between Kenny Cartman Stan and him. Kenny usually spammed the chat with random pictures quotes and emojis. Nobody had said anything in a few days, so Kyle decided to break the silence.

He decided not to say much, since he knew Cartman would quickly respond with homo slanders. He just typed in 'hello' and left his phone on silent.

It was a Sunday. He decided to tell his parents he was gay today. His mother would probably try to convince him to be straight, but what did he know. Quietly and quickly he went down the stairs to see his father and mother sitting on the couch muttering things to each other.

"M-mom?" He said, in a shy tone.

His mother turned around to look at him, a strange look on her face. "Yes? What's wrong kyle."

He looked down for a second. He didn't want to go through with this all of a sudden. "You know how me and Stan have been friends for a long time now?" He said, his voice almost cutting out on him.

"Oh yes, did something happen between you two?" His father said suspiciously. "Hmm, Randy would have told me."

"No, no. We just.. well, I guess you could say we.." he kind of struggled for words, "we're kind of more than... friends."

He looked away, waiting for them to freak out. "Well.. are you sure?" He heard his dad finally say.

He looked up, and slowly nodded. His father looked lost for words. To his relief he didn't sound or look angry. " Well, if that makes you happy?" He muttered quietly.

"Ok, thanks dad." He quietly went to his room. He felt happy, but kind of out of breath.

He went back onto his phone. There were a couple thousand texts from cartman and Kenny. Stan must still have been asleep.

Cartman was spamming emojis and Kenny was telling him to shut the fuck up. It was pretty sad in all honesty. After watching them argue he got a dm from Stan.

'Hey, I have some free time wanna hang out?'

Kyle bit his lip for a second, then responded. 'Yea sure! Where are we meeting?'

'Oh yea, we should go to tweaks coffee. I need to wake up Omg' Stan responded.

Kyle responded with an 'Ok meet you there!'

He grabbed his phone, putting it away in his pockets. "Hey I'm going out, is that fine with you guys?" He said, looking towards his parents.

"Yes Kyle, but be home by dinner." His father said, not looking away from the t.v.

He put on his orange and green coat, and walked outside. Tweaks coffee felt far away, but it really wasnt. He kind of walked by himself until he saw Stan.

He kind of awkwardly ran over to him. "Hey Stan!" He smiled.

Stan looked kind of surprised at first, then he smiled. "Oh hi, what's up."

Kyle started to walk besides him now. "I didn't know you were into coffee." He said not looking up from the sidewalk.

"To be honest, I just wanted to talk" he said, looking over at him.

Kyle felt his heart beat a little faster. "Well I need to talk a little too."

Stan looked relieved, as they walked into tweaks coffee.


Cliff hanger bc I like keeping the chapters to only like a max of 700 words. Also merry late Christmas yaaay.

I'm so sorry for late updates omg.

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