Chapter 9: Kitten

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Kyle's P.O.V (BTW!!! I'm only on like season 10 of sp, :'0 please don't end me)

Yesterday was the last day of winter break. Or at least until New years. Kyle was muttering meaningless phrases to himself. He hadn't been happier in a long time, but he had never been as worried either.

He walked up to the bus stop shyly, noticing butters was there. He started speeding up, a little nervous to meet up with Stan. "Hi guys." He murmured excitedly

"Ello Jew." Cartman said lazily. "Butters why are you over at our bus stop?" Kyle said angrily glaring at Cartman. He had forgotten all about Kenny being dead. Butters seemed to fill the spot perfectly.

"W-well I don't know, just wanted to see you guys?" He said. Kyle squinted at him, but ended up shrugging it off. He looked around, noticing Stan wasn't there. "Cartman, where's Stan?" He asked.

Cartman shrugged. "Eh, don't know don't care." He shrugged. He noticed Stan running over, looking out of breath. "Woah, dude whats wrong?" He said, hiding anything from Cartman, but showing general concern.

Stan stopped in front of him catching his breath. Then he looked up at Kyle. "Oh.. god dammit." He said face palming. "No seriously whats wrong." Kyle said staring at him.

"He probably just-" "Cartman I swear if you say anything.." Kyle said under his breath.

"Guys its fine. My dad just told me I was going to miss the bus." He muttered. "Well the truth is my dad dropped me off here." Butters finally confessed.

There was silence for a few moment, until the bus driver picked them up. Soon enough they were at school. Kyle just walked close to Stan as they entered the school.

He felt Stan glance at him, and he kind of seperated himself from him. "Should we walk around a bit? Or go to class." He said shyly. He felt like he was treating Stan differently, but he wanted to treat him like a friend aswell.

Stan's P.O.V

Kyle would stay away from Cartman, for obvious reasons. He tilted his head. Sometimes I do feel bad for him when he gets teased.. but what could I do? School was almost over anyways. He saw Wendy coming towards him. He let out a sigh. "What..?" She said.

"What do you want." Stan said putting his hands in his pockets. She shook her head, seeming mad. "It's Kyle, I wanted to talk about."

Stan got nervous. He looked around nervously, then looked to Wendy, "and?" He asked cautious of how sneaky Wendy could be sometimes. "He's been acting more shy lately.. has Cartman finally broke him?'

Stan shrugged. He was quite confused why Kyle was being so shy too. He was too smart to break to cartman, maybe something else was picking at him. "Is something wrong Stan? You seem tense.."

"Oh sorry Wendy, I just forgot we were talking." He murmured.

He saw Kyle walking out of class, and stood beside him. "Hey Wendy!" He smiled. There was the Kyle he knew. For some reason Wendy looked upset. She walked away, but then he noticed Kenny and Cartman had come over.

"Hey Cartman.. hey Kenny? Ah never mind."

"Shut up for a second Stan." Cartman looked confused. "Why is Kahl being such a pussy?"

To Stan's surprise Kyle just glanced at Stan for a second then walked away. "Boy, who put a stick up his ass." Cartman said. Stan took in a deep breath. "You did Cartman. You did." He followed Kyle.

-timeskip to when they are home-

Stan was doing homework with Kyle when all of a sudden Kyle stopped and put his hands on his face. "Maybe we shouldn't do this Stan. Maybe we should just be friends." (Lmao friendzoned)

Stan looked at him for a moment, and shook his head. "Y'know, your so cute when you pout." He said poking his nose.

Kyle stood up, a mischievous glare in his eyes. "Stan. I'm NOT cute. I'm a fierce lion." He said, standing tall putting his hand on his chest.

Stan broke out laughing.

"More like an innocent kitten~" he giggled.

The rest of the night the two fought over how 'fierce' Kyle was. Let's just say, he is an innocent kitten.

And when I finished this I was on season 12. Woooo me. Sorry for slow updates. I'm gonna work hard on this :') *harder*

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