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When Harry pondered where to look for his parents, Dobby showed up and greeted him, however, to Harry's shock, seemed to not recognise him. 'Just like Nagini,'Harry thought, feeling very sad, because like the snake, Dobby had always been very close to him.

"Where are Mum and Dad?" Harry enquired, causing Dobby's eyes to widen.

"The Malfoys only haves one son, Draco," Dobby uttered, however, motioned Harry to follow him and led him into the hall, where Narcissa and Draco were just decorating the Christmas tree.

Narcissa eyed him with apparent surprise. "Mr. Potter?" she then queried in obvious confusion.

Harry burst into tears. "I'm Harry, the Dark Prince, Draco's brother and your son," he blurted out, not understanding what was happening.

"Dobby, call my husband," Narcissa urged the small elf, who nodded and immediately popped away.

If his situation was not as worrisome, Harry would almost have smiled upon realising that Dobby even forgot to bow before hurrying away.

A moment later, his Dad entered the room, giving him a sharp look, before Narcissa told him about Harry's claim to be their son.

"You're not my real parents," Harry admitted in a small voice, tears still running down his cheek, "but Voldemort is my Father, and you raised me, so I always called you Mum and Dad."

"The Dark Lord?" Lucius asked, alert, before he concluded, "Harry, you must have come from a different dimension. Will you show us the memory of how you managed to come here?"

"Yes sir," Harry replied, feeling slightly consoled at the concern and kindness expressed in his surrogative Dad's voice. He quickly plugged the black pendant from his chain and tapped it to change it to its Pensive form, before adding the memory of Christmas Eve.

"Draco, come," he told the boy of whom he thought of as his brother. "Let's go together. You were with me, when it happened."

Together with the Malfoys, he observed how they decorated the Christmas tree, added decorations to Riddle Manor and finally went to explore the dungeons.

When they left the Pensieve, Lucius gave Harry an almost pitying look. "Harry, you definitely travelled to a different dimension. Here, in our world, everything happened a little differently. When the Dark Lord attacked you and your birth parents, it wasn't your birth parents who died but you. The Potters are alive, and they have two children, Ferdinand and a baby girl…"

"She isn't exactly a baby anymore," Narcissa interrupted him. "She just turned three a few days ago," she then supplied, only to add in apparent annoyance, "It was all over the Daily Prophet. I believe that her name is Elizabeth."

Harry let out a groan. "Oh no, I don't want to have anything to do with them," he blurted out, giving Narcissa and Lucius a pleading look. "May I please stay with you like I did in my dimension?" he then asked.

"Of course you may," Narcissa reassured him. "Draco would love having a brother."

"Yeah, that's totally cool," Draco agreed, grinning at Harry, who felt extremely reassured by his surrogative family's confirmation.

"Well, I'm not one hundred percent sure if we'll be able to keep you against the Potters' wishes," Lucius cautioned in a small voice, however, Harry was already too relaxed to properly listen.


Just like every year, even in Harry's old dimension, Lucius had invited his fellow Death Eaters for a Christmas party at Malfoy Manor. Using the opportunity, he introduced Harry as the Dark Prince and told them how Harry had grown up with Voldemort in a different dimension.

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