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After breakfast, Lucius informed Draco and Harry that their godfather was going to visit them shortly.

"Oh, that's cool," Draco acknowledged, and Harry smiled in agreement.

"Draco, does Uncle Severus ever teach you potions in this dimension?" Harry enquired. He had always taken great interest in the brewing, and his own Uncle Severus had assured him that he was already capable of brewing OWL level concoctions.

"Very occasionally," Draco admitted. "It doesn't really belong to my favourite ways of spending the day though."

"Oh okay," Harry said in understanding, trying to supress all disappointment.

"Harry," Narcissa spoke up, smiling at the boy. "If you like to brew potions, you can just ask Severus if he's willing to teach you, whenever he has time."

Harry nodded, feeling very much reassured. "In my old time, he often allowed me to help him complete the stock for the hospital wing. I'll ask him if I can help him again in this time."

"Of course," Lucius agreed, smiling, just when the fireplace flared.

A moment later, Severus stepped out of the fireplace together with a boy, who seemed to be a little younger than Draco and Harry.

"Good morning Draco and Harry and Happy New Year," their godfather greeted them, before he introduced his companion. "This is Ferdinand Potter, and he wanted to visit with the two of you for a while."

"P… Potter as in… Harry's brother?" Draco enquired in spite of knowing the Potter clan as well as he knew any other pureblood family.

Harry merely stared at the boy. Somehow, as much as he despised the Potters, without even having met them, he could not tear his eyes away from the boy, who looked very much like himself, even if he had brown eyes.

"Hi Harry, I'm Ferdinand," the boy finally introduced himself, stepping right over to Harry.

"Hi," Harry replied, shortly, even if not in an unfriendly tone.

"I'm sorry if I came uninvited," Ferdinand continued, "but when I heard that my brother was alive, I just wanted nothing more than to meet you. I'm so happy that you're here in this dimension now."

Harry shrugged, unsure at what to reply. On the one hand, he could not prevent himself from immediately liking his younger brother, but on the other hand, he knew very well that the Potters were one of the light families, those who had always opposed his father.

"I'm sorry," he finally said. "But I'm Lord Voldemort's son, and I can't associate with families from the light side, blood traitors and such."

"But Harry," Ferdinand contradicted, "I think that it's not important on which side our parents are. I like you, and I want you in my life. That's all that counts for me."

"Thanks," Harry replied, unable to deny that he felt happy at his brother's kind words. "Let me think about it."

"Are you interested in Quidditch?" Draco spoke up, giving Ferdinand a questioning look.

"I love to play," the younger boy replied, eagerly. "I'm a Chaser on the Hogwarts primary school's Quidditch team."

'The Hogwarts primary school,' Harry thought. 'It's the second time that I hear about it.' He was immediately reminded of Hermione and her predicament. "Do you know Hermione?" he blurted out, before he could keep himself from asking.

"Yes. Her parents were killed by Death Eaters last night, and she's staying at Hogwarts for the time being," Ferdinand replied, seemingly sad. "I hope that one of the teachers will agree to become her guardian. She's really nice." Looking at Harry, he suddenly asked, "Why do you know her?"

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