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The black hooded wizard watched Lily sink to the floor, before a green light moved towards the one-year-old child in his crib. He let out an annoyed sigh upon realising that the baby seemed to be resistant to the curse for whatever unbelievable reason.

"Oh well then, we'll see who is going to be the most powerful wizard," he told the boy, who backed up in fright, glancing in the direction of his mummy, who still remained on the floor, unmoving. With a flick of his hand, a red light travelled towards the child, hitting little Harry across his forehead to bond the baby to himself. Noticing that the child began to cry, gripping his small forehead in agony, he stepped over to the crib, cradled the boy into his arms and apparated away.


'Oh well, I didn't expect to find myself in the situation of having a son,' the Dark Lord thought, sighing as he let his eyes wander to the crib, which he had conjured for the baby in his own room. 'It's time to introduce him to my followers as the Dark Prince.'

A few minutes later, the Death Eaters gathered in his assembly room, staring at the scene in front of him in apparent shock.

Voldemort was sitting on his throne, next to which he had placed Harry's crib, and was bouncing the baby on his lap.

"My faithful followers," he addressed the group of black hooded men, "it's time to introduce my son to you. This is Harry, and you will address him as 'Dark Prince'. He's fifteen months old, and I'm going to raise him as my heir. I expect that you show him exactly the same loyalty that you hold for myself. Is that clear?" he hissed, letting his eyes wander over the group of Death Eaters in front of him.

"Yes, my Lord" was the collective response – not that Voldemort had expected anything else.

He dismissed his followers, instructing Lucius to visit him in the morning together with his wife and his son, who was just a few weeks older than Harry.


Apparently realising that the Dark Lord had no idea whatsoever about raising his Dark Prince, considering that he called her first thing in the morning requesting that she should change Harry's stinky nappy, Narcissa Malfoy offered her assistance, and Harry was allowed to spend his days with Draco. Only after dinner and a warm bath was he expected to be back at Riddle Manor, already dressed in pyjamas, so that Voldemort merely had to put him into bed, tell him a night time story and tuck him in – which he more or less grudgingly did on Narcissa's request.

Narcissa even saw to it that Harry was provided with a stuffed teddy bear to cuddle with, knowing that Voldemort was not fond of any kind of affection, as well as clothes to wear and everything else that a baby would need.


From his third birthday onwards, however, Voldemort resolved to teach Harry himself during the afternoons. Considering that he was already potty-trained and able to eat by himself, the Dark Lord decided that he was not too much of a nuisance anymore to have him at his home even during the day.

On Harry's birthday, Draco and his parents visited the Dark Lord and his son, and while the adults enjoyed some tea and cake, the children eagerly played in the huge park of the Manor. Knowing that Harry was going to receive a broom from his parents, Draco had brought his own broom along with a Snitch, and the two three-year-olds enjoyed themselves flying trying to catch the Snitch.


Later in the afternoon, after the Malfoys had returned home, Voldemort took Harry aside.

"Harry, you're now three and a big boy, so I'm going to teach you magic," he told the child, causing Harry to stare at him with apparent excitement.

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