What I need

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Chara's POV (bet you didn't saw that coming 7u7)

-...Why are you staring at me like that?

I see him blink, shaking his head slightly in an attempt to come out of his daze.

-I-I wasn't staring!

-Pff, liar-I say as I munch my precious chocolate bar.

Now, I know what you may be thinking. How the hell did I found a chocolate bar here in the Underground? Well, I will gladly say is none of your fucking business.

As I eat my delicious treat, I hear Asriel sigh and look away from me.

-Fine...maybe I was this time.

-More like always.

-What do you mean always!?-he asks in a panicky way.

I pull the chocolate bar out of my mouth to speak better.

-I mean, every time that I look at you, I find you staring. If I didn't know you, I would say you are a creep.

I see the red starting to crawl up on his face and going through his fur.

-I-I'm not a creep!!!

I shrug and keep eating my chocolate.

-Who knows. You may be and you just don't want to accept it.

Asriel begins to stutter a lot, his nervousness being very evident. I smile to myself. What can I say? Making him panic this way is so fun. Though, it does seem kind of mean to mock him so much. Maybe I should give him a break.




I then see him rub his face with his hands and let out a groan.

-I'm sorry, ok? I just...can't get over the fact that you are here. Really here. Like...physically here.

I raise an eyebrow at him.

-Are you being racist with ghost people?

He looks at me and burst again.

-I'm not being racist!!

I can't help it anymore and I burst out laughing. Is this how it feels to be 'happy'? Man, I was missing out a lot of things.

I keep laughing until I finally control myself and wipe away a tear that was starting to come out.

-Ahhh. You always kill me Azzy.

I look up at Asriel and find him staring at me again but with a different look in his eyes.

They are sparkling, like a certain shine is being projected through them. How weird...I've never seen eyes do that before.

I look back at Asriel, tilting my head slightly in confusion. He seems to be in a daze again. He does that often, and coincidentally when he stares at me. Is actually kind of uncomfortable to be honest. I'm not use to being watched or be anyone's attention since...you know..I was a ghost and all.

I keep looking back at him, seeing how his stare is still firm on me. It doesn't seem like he'll break from that daze very soon. I might as well do it myself.

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