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An Encounter Of Circumstances


(Your POV)


I don't know how long I stood outside in the middle of the feild, simply staring up at the moon in silence. It seemed like an endless lifetime but the moon slowly began to dissapear and I decided it was best to head back into the house. The sky had begun to change colours even if only the slightest for day causing everything to look soft. Like a dream...I sighed rather loudly as I took slow steps on my way back towards the house. My mind was still on my dream and I looked down at my hands again. My hands carried the blood of many lives, and I never cared much until now. If only alchoholic beverages had the same effect on me as they did normal people. I dropped my hands back to my side and continued walking towards the house. Though my eyes stayed trained on the ground. I never liked the idea of getting drunk but right now it seems so tempting to forget things momentarily. By the time I had made it to the porch steps though my confusion and wish to get drunk was tossed to the back of my mind as my forhead was suddenly met by the end of a shotgun.

What the fuck.

Looking up I saw none other than a now hairless glaring and distrusting Shane. I matched his glare not backing down and I knew the seriousness of the situation but...Where the fuck did his hair go...Does he know how crazy he looks right now? I mentaly kicked away my ridiculous thoughts to focus back on the situation. "Shane if you're gonna kill me-"I noticed the slightest movement in his trigger finger and it made me smile,"-then do it already."

His finger became rigid against the trigger. He was so close to just pressing it down and ending it all but he was hesitating. His glaring looked more intense as he pushed the shotgun more harshly against my forhead causing me to move back slightly, "I don't trust you."

I sighed my eyes not moving away from his even if it meant having to keep back from rolling my eyes in annoyance, "I already know that. As does everyone in your group." I could no longer hold it in and I rolled my eyes at his stupid faace, "you act likes it's some big secret. We don't exactly get along like best friends now do we?"

"I don't like your fucking smart mouth either."

I laughed at that comment and began to take small steps forward. The gun still against my forhead so I shoved my head against it roughly making him move back. The action confused him more than angered him, "No. You just don't like me in general. Or maybe it's all a lie, you just can't stand that I don't care what you decide to yell in my face.." I slowly reached up and moved the gun from my head to the center of my chest. "Do I scare you Shane?"

We stayed like this in silence and he never raised the gun back to my head. Both pairs of eyes glaring at the eachother even if I had a smile beneath my mask. Was it bad of me to be enjoying this mental torment of his. His breathing was heavy and if there was one thing I learned from being in the military was the look he carried in his eyes since he came back with news of death and two bags of supplies: he craved someones blood shed.

I just don't know whos...or...

My e/c eyes flickered between his two reading deep into his soul

If my theory is correct.

"Leave Y/N."

To this I felt my eyes slightly widen in surprise before laughing. I saw his mouth move in an attempt to repeat it again so I shut down my laugh and responded in the tone I always used in the military. "Just try and make me." His eyes had widened at that and I took this to make a move. I slowly moved my arm towards my back but I felt myself freeze momentarily when I realized I was still missing my knife and I had never gone to the RV to grab another one. I forgot...out in the woods...Sophia had run off with it..

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