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What To Do About Sophia & The Barn


(Your POV)


I didn't feel the need to watch Lori and Rick forever so I turned and headed back to the camp, and before I knew it my feet had led me back to Daryl who was laying down with his eyes wide open.


I raised my eyebrow at him and it seemed he finally realized someone had walked in,"Have you just been in here this whole time?"

He sent me a small laugh as I sat down next to him, "My injuries from fallin ain't healing so quick." I only hummed in response without looking at him ,but my eyes quickly moved over when I felt something pushing against my neck. It was his hand,"and I'm not super human like you."

I calmed myself as quickly as I could, my face remained emotionless as did my eyes as I stared at him, even with this I was mentally screaming at his words.

Does....does he know?

No not possible, how the hell could he know??

Clearing my frantic thoughts I smiled at him and pulled his hand down and away from my neck," Getting hurt in the military does wonders on a person's healing process, it's the only good thing about being shot at."

He intertwined our fingers and held my hand against his chest, he then closed his eyes and sighed before speaking" You have to get shot a lot for that?"

My mind immediately went to SM, as annoyed as I got from him getting injured all the time I had to admit that his body healed it very very quickly.He'd been there for a much longer time and his healing process was because of all that time. I nodded at Daryl even though he couldn't physically see it," It hurts in the moment, obviously, but it makes you survive longer. I can promise you that much."

You never forget the feeling of a bullet pushing into you skin like a flame though..

Night came quick and once everyone began to head to bed, Daryl had slid over so that I could fit next to him and he wasted no time in pulling me to lay by his side. I just laughed at his antics before settling myself comfortably at his side, I don't think my cold skin did him any favors but thank the gods for the amount of clothing I wore, all he felt were my cold fingers on his chest. Before everyone had fallen asleep for the night though Shane suddenly appeared walked into the tent, before I knew it Shane and Daryl began to argue and I stood up.

About what were they arguing for? I don't know, and frankly I didn't care.

I rolled my eyes and walked out away from the group, I ended up laying down on the field until the sun began to peak its head over the large forest. A couple more minutes and some voices could be heard behind me but I didn't pay too much attention to it. I wonder what happened between Daryl and Shane though? Maybe they finally kissed and made up.

I just shrugged to myself as I continued to stare up at the sky, it didn't last too long though as I suddenly heard Glenn's voice push through the silence of the group, from smelling the air it seemed like they were all up and eating now. I want fresh meat right now, not some cooked shit. I sighed to myself as I slowly sat up to listen to Glenn, yay for super hearing.

"So umm guys.." I cocked my head to the side, does he usually sound this nervous? Maybe. "There's.... guys the barn in full of walkers.."

No never mind, I don't want super hearing!

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