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those my brothers, I ain't even gotta say it, that's just something they know. -Headlines - Drake

D'Asia's POV- Christmas Eve Eve

YES I DID IT! I MADE THE VOLLEYBALL TEAM! But the bad thing is, I'm on my period. I was sitting in bed cramping, in a ball. Gaz and Stokes are at CVS buying me pads. Hopefully they get the right ones. Right then and there, Pump called me and asked what kind of pads I needed.

"NIGGA . I TOLD Y'ALL BEFORE Y'ALL LEFT." So much blood just came out like fucking Niagra Falls.

Pump's POV

"Which ones do you want girl ?"

"The pink winged maxi ones size 2"

"Winged ? Nigga this ain't wingstop."

I saw a girl and she came up to us and I go.

"Hey, hol on , I'm going to give you to an expert"

"Hey excuse me? Can you talk to my girlfriend?"

(ACCOUNT- Bahamasgirl145


"Um yeah sure. Hello? Which ones do you need? The pink winged maxi ones ? What size? Okay I got them. No problem." She gave me my phone back and smiled at me.

"Hey your Lil Pump."

"Yeah that's me."

"You're so hot." She started coming towards me and then I told her that I had a girlfriend.

"She doesn't have to know."

"Um yes she does and she will, back the fuck up."

"Hey babe, you ready?" A boy that looked at least 19 came up to her.

"Aye why y'all so close?"

"Yo girl was hitting on me, you better get her."

"Really ? Again ? This why I can't leave you somewhere by yourself for five fucking minutes bro. Let's go. Thanks man."

"No problem." Ski came back with a whole bunch of snacks for D'Asia while I got 3 boxes of pads. we went to the counter and paid and headed home. Once we got home, D'Asia was still in her ball but crying this time. She rolled over and there as a blood spot on the bed. So I picked her up, took her in the bathroom, helped her take off her clothes and put her in the shower. I took the sheets and the blanket off, put them in the washer, replaced them after I took them out of the dryer and then I waited for her to get out. I helped her get out because she was in so much pain. I helped her put on her clothes and her pad. Then I carried her back to the bed and gave her the heater blanket. I brought her some midol and some water for her to take. Then she felt a little bit better so I helped her pack for her trip tomorrow. She has a volleyball trip tomorrow for a tournament and she's going to Pensacola (where I was born), so she'll be on a bus for 9 hours and 30 minutes. She fell asleep so I packed her volleyball bag for her. Then I packed my bag because we were all going with her. Then since it was 10:13, I went to sleep. 

Next Morning- 4:10 AM

I woke D'Asia up and she wasn't in that much pain anymore. She got up and she went to the bathroom and I checked the bed and there was no stains. I got ready and woke Ski and Alazae up and we all got in the cars. We went to pick a few people up and we took about 3 cars. We took D'Asia to the school and then we waited for the bus to leave. When the bus left, we followed them and blasted music. Ski was driving first and then we would transition every hour. 

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