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shawty bad, slim thick, she my drug, she my fix - Eric Bellinger - G.O.A.T

4 Months Later- At Home- 10:19 PM- D'Asia's POV

We were at home watching child's play 3 and i was currently in Gazzy's armpit. I was so scared of dolls but they made me watch it so here we are. I was getting hungry so I got up to make mac and cheese.

Randi's POV

I'm so excited because I'm due next week! But I'm super scared. Usually when I'm watching scary movies, I pee a little so when Chucky showed up, I screamed and then I felt liquid coming from my vagina.  It wasn't just a little pee, it was my water... and it broke.

"Babe, did you just pee on me?"

"No babe! my water just broke."

"Shit. D'Asia! Start the car, we're going to the hospital!"

We all got in the car and then drove to the nearest hospital. 

Once we got there, they put me in a wheelchair and wheeled me to maternity. They put IVs in my arm and the only person in here was Omar . I was going into labor and before I knew it, they were telling me to push.

"1...2...3... Push!"

I pushed as hard as I could and I had to do that twice more.

"3! Push again!"

I pushed my hardest, squeezing the literal shit of of Omar's hand. I then felt a big space become hurt. I then heard crying and a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders when I saw her. They did everything they needed to do with the baby and then they handed her to me. I looked over at Omar and he was crying real tears. I then handed him the baby and he held her tight and rocked her. Everyone then came in, making sure not to crowd us.

"ES-" Gazzy started but then D'Asia stuck her elbow in his stomach.

"eskeetit." He said weakly and quietly.

They then sat down and passed the baby around. The doctor came back in and asked us what we wanted to name her.

"Rose Evangeline" Omar and I said together. Everyone looked at us and cooed. We then took the baby back and then she woke up and it was time for me to feed her. The doctor had to squeeze my breast to make the milk come out since it wasn't all the way full. Today, my angel baby was born.

A Few Days After Randi's Birth- 3:14 AM


I quickly opened my eyes and looked over to see Rose moving about in her crib, she was not having the whole sleeping in the crib thing. I picked her up and walked around the room with her. We have a whole nursery room set up for her but I wasn't comfortable with her sleeping in a room by herself. She eventually went to sleep and I put her down in between Omar and I. He then kissed her forehead and snuggled closer to her.

6:17 AM

I woke up right next to Omar but with no baby in between. I sat up and looked in her crib and she wasn't in there either. 

"Who has my angel baby?" I said walking out of my room. I looked in her nursery and she wasn't there either. I looked in everyone's room and she wasn't there either. But then I peeped into D'Asia's room and there she was with D'Asia, asleep. I let out a sigh of relief and walked in slowly and quietly. I woke her up and told her that it was time for her to start getting ready.

"I'm not going to school today. I'm gunna stay home and help you with Rose."

"Do you want me to take her and put her in her crib?"

"Nah, I got it. Go get some sleep."

I hugged her and then I went back to sleep while feeling Omar kiss my forehead. 

When I woke up, Rose was sound asleep and D'Asia had made me breakfast. She made my favorite, eggs, bacon, grits, sausage and pancakes. I gave her a hug and poured some orange juice. We sat at the table and ate our food peacefully. We then cleaned up the house a bit and got dressed and ready for the day. When I got out of the shower, Rose was awake and she was hella cranky. I took her from D'Asia and breastfed her. We decided to go out for brunch at a seafood and sushi bistro. Rose was asleep half the time and the other half, she was eating. 

By the time we got home, everyone was home and cooing over Rose. I decided to try and take a nap because I was super tired from barely getting sleep that night. 

When I woke up, someone ordered chinese food and then I put Rose down for a nap, possibly sleep and we all sat down and watched a movie. My angel baby is born and I was happier than ever.

 My angel baby is born and I was happier than ever

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