A Black Girl's Journey

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"Yo Sapphire. Come on girl, quit playin and let me get a quick dance.", Dre said to me as I walked past him. He caught my arm.

I pulled away. "Nigga, keep yo paws tf off of me. You aint special, you gotta wait like every fuckin body up in here."

He kissed his teeth. "Don't be actin all high and mighty and shit wit me. Just come over here and shake that shit for daddy one time."

I mentally shook my head. This nigga dont take no for an answer, but I got somethin for him. I stepped over and snaked my way down onto his lap, making sure my ass touched his manhood. "You like that daddy?"

He nodded and I could feel him growing beneath me. "Well you still have to wait." I stood and adjusted the skirt to my cop outfit.

"Damn 'Phire, really?"

I giggled and walked towards the back. "Watch him for me," I said and pointed to his bulge. "I'll be back to handle that in a minute."

He licked his lips and nodded. Mm, that nugga right there. Dre is one of the biggest Dboyz on this side of South Cali. Standing at 6'4", caramel colored with waves on swim, tats all around his body and a perfectly chiseled body at that. Yas, he can get it.

Oh shit, im rude as fuck. Over here droolin over this nigga and I didn't even introduce my damn self. Wassup yall, my name is Jada, but my stage name is Sapphire. Yeap, im a stripper and I don't give a fuck what nobody gotta say about it because as said in my favorite movie, "I gotta use what I got, to get what I want." Unlike my girl in the Player's Club though, I was doin this to keep up my lifestyle. Do you know how much a car note is on a damn Ferrari? Psh, me either. That's why I push my Mustang.

Im around 5'5"-5'6", brown skin, big titties a small waist, wavy black hair that fell to the middle of my back and a nice sized ass. I dont care that it's not big either. #TeamLilBooty it may not be big but I can make this shit clap like the audience in the Staples Center durin a championship game. Ya feel ma?

Since im tellin yall about me, I might as well tell yall how I ended up here. I was a preacher's kid. Before yall jump to conclusions...no, I wasnt wild, no I wasnt an oprhan and no, I didnt get pregnant. My dad was the Pastor at South Baptist Church of Saints. He was good too, he would have you feelin the spirit the whole way through his sermon. But it was all a lie.

Behind that mask of Pastor Walters and Sister Walters only lasted on Sundays. Monday through Saturday, they were monsters. My father would beat me and treat me like a slave, forcing me to stay up late into the night and wake up early for school. Weekdays, I could deal. But on Saturday, I had hell on Earth. My mother was no better. People thought my parents had good paying jobs and worked hard for a living. Ha, thats funny. Their "job" was letting old men come in and do as they please with me. Kiss me, beat me, take pictures of me while touching my under-developed body; they did it all but rape me. That's the one thing my parents wouldn't let happen. They said I would be too impure for their church.

Long story short, I ran away in the 10th grade. That same night I met who would become the ying to my yang, my girl Shay. I was a few blocks away from my house and I didn't know where to go to. I had to think fast because they were right behind me. I turned down an alley and felt someone pull me into a cut. I said my prayers, preparing for the worst. It never came. Instead I saw a light skin girl with thick, curly hair and big hazel eyes staring back at me. She placed her index finger to her mouth, telling me to be quiet. We heard footsteps and the voice of my parents. Seeing my fear, she pulled me into a hug until I stopped shaking.

They left and since that day, she's been my rider, my other half, my day 1, my sister. She told me she was in grade 10 and she ran away a few days ago, surviving by her wits. We continued living that way for about a month until one day we tried to pick-pocket a guy and he dragged us into the back of a building. We were weak and couldn't fight. We prepared for the beating that never came. He asked us our names and why 2 gorgeous girls were on the streets. We explained our dilemma and he said he would help us out to get on our feet. He said his name was Zae, but to call him Loyalty. He took us to his Benz then drove us to his condo where we showered. Later we sat in his boxers and shirts talking about the future. He led us to our room and sat us down. "There's only one rule in my home.", he looked at us. "Don't ever, ever lie to me. You break my trust and you're fucked."

We nodded and thanked him for everything. The next day he took us shopping and this that night he told us to get dressed. We both wore multi-colored, one-shoulder Maxi dresses with black pumps to match. We got in his car and rolled out. We pulled up to Club Jewel and that's where it all started.

We walked in, fascinated with the club. Only true ballers and the baddest bitches could get in here and we didn't realize that we were with the owner. Not long after and we asked him if we could work there. For 2 months he said no, but we finally broke him. Now, 2 years later and I'm happy doing what I do.

I snapped out of my flashback when Shay walked next to me behind the stage. "Heyy best bitch!"

"Hi booky! Girl you lookin good, about to have these niggas throwin bandZ." I faked slidin paper out of my hands.

"Thank you. Trust that I will always stay rockin. And bitch look at you, lookin all sexy and shit. Mmm if you was gay."

I giggled at her. She know I am strictly dickly. "Girl hush. You ready?"

She nodded. "Aren't I always?"

We heard our Dj, Dope, on the mic and we both took deep breaths. "Ladies and gentlemen pull out yo wallets and get ready for a show. Comin to the stage we have 2 of the baddest....mm mm mm...females to ever grace Club Jewel. Now yall muthafuckas know you cant get em, but the more you throw, the more they show. So get ready and feast your eyes on Sapphirrrre and Crystaaaalll!"

Nobody by Keith Sweat started to play and I took one last breath before stepping out onto the stage....

A/N:Yassss, Idgaf I did that. So new book guys abd I hope you like it because it took me awhile to put it together. How yall likin Sapphire so far? She doin what she gotta do to make it to the top. I clap it up for her. Go in head bitch :)

-Why did Loyalty take them in? ♡♥♡

-Why did Shay run away? ♡♥♡

-Why is Dre so damn fine? mm mm mm♡

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