happy family - kyle kuzma [ part two]

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"Well Mr.Kuzma the amniocentesis test have come back and you are 99.9% the father of Ms. (your last name)'s child" Dr.Zungia stated as she read off the information on the paper she held.

"Happy now Kyle you've gotten the 'proof' you wanted can you just man up and accept the fact that you have a child on the way" (your name) asked tired of having to deal with Kyle's reluctance to the news she told him three weeks ago.

Dr.Zungia began to wash and glove her hands."Since I have you here we can go ahead and do your sixteen week check up."

(Your Name) nodded and lifted her shirt and shuddered as the cool gel glided on her belly. The doctor placed the doppler on the gel and began to move it around in order to get a clear picture of the baby. After a few seconds of moving the device Kyle heard his child heartbeat and that's when realization set in. He was going to be someone's father.

Dr.Zungia cleared her throat, "Would we like to know the gender?" (your name) looked at Kyle and he responded 'Yes'

"Well it looks like your going to be having a girl, congratulations" Dr.Zuniga smiled at the young pair and began to wipe the blue tinted gel off of (your name) protruding belly.


Five Months Later..

(Your Name) had finally entered her ninth month of pregnancy and boy was she excited to meet her baby girl.

Dressed casually in black leggings and one of Kyle's Utah sweatshirts she slipped on her Uggs as she awaited Kyle's arrival they had decided on going to lunch to discuss the plan for their daughter's arrival.

As you looked over the menu at the restaurant, you began to feel flutters in your stomach but you just shook it off as nervousness on what you and Kyle had to discuss.

Taking a sip of his drink Kyle began to speak. "So I was thinking about the co-parenting thing and I think it would be best if after she is born that you guys come and stay with me."

"Uh.. I think it would be a little awkward don't you think, but I guess I will do it for the sake of our daughter"

(Your Name) had just finished her Caesar salad when the pain from earlier began to be unbearable.

Kyle looked up to see (your name)'s face contorted in distress, when it dawned on him that you might be in labor.

"I need to get you to a hospital" Kyle stammered as he pull out his wallet and carelessly threw a hundred dollar bill on the table.

"It's to early she's not due for another three weeks" (your name) argued trying to focus her breathing when she felt a cool liquid run down her leg.

Baby Kuzma was making her entrance to world today whether they like it or not.


After ten long hours of labor (your name) and Kyle had welcomed their daughter Cayden Zoey Kuzma at 7 pounds and 8 ounces.

Well that's it for happy family I hope you guys have a happy thanksgiving and enjoyed :)

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