late night lovin' - aaron gordon

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It was going on three am and I was just getting in from a girls night with my friends which was well dersessrved considering my job was stressful and lately aaron amounted to my stress so imagine my surprise when I walk in after a fun night to find Aaron fuming in the living room.

" Where were you all night" Aaron questioned as I made my way upstairs to prepare to take a shower and get ready to go to bed. "Out" I responded turning on the shower a grabbing a towel from the linen closet. At this point the vagueness of my answers had Aaron fuming

"So if I was out at three in the fucking morning how the fuck would you feel, huh." Aaron replied standing with his arms across his defined chest.

Damn Aaron looks good when he's pissed, maybe I should make him angry more often.

"How would I feel?, well see how you don't like it when you ignored then don't do the same damn thing to ME." I argued back standing my ground.

"What do you mean I'm ignoring you all the shit I buy you, the clothes you have on now I bought with MY money." Aaron replied unfazed by his girlfriend

"That's not the same thing Aaron. I want you to act like you did when you first got together. When you would kiss me every time you saw me, Aaron I want you to want me! To love me! Aaron do you still-" Jordyn was cut off by Aaron passionately kissing her.

The kiss continued until the couple wound up in their shared bedroom. Jordyn stripped down to her red lingerie set from Victoria's Secret. Aaron began to suck on Jordyn's neck, roaming his hands on her soft skin.

The couple made love until the sunrise.

"Maybe I should stay 'out' more often." Jordyn laughed cuddling up into Aaron's chest.

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