Chapter 13

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Seven years later

Bella's p.o.v.

It's been a long seven years. I'm twenty-five now and I am engaged to Duncan. I know stupid right? I'm engaged to the person who stabbed me seven years ago. He and I talked it through and he loves me and didn't want to hurt me but did because I didn't want to be with him. Whatever. He is actually really nice and sweet and wonderful. I fell in love with him. We are getting married next month. He is a tattoo artist and I am a lawyer. Weird combination I know. But love is love.

"I'm gonna run to work love. See you at 6:00." Duncan says and kisses me on the cheek and goes out the door. I better be on my way to work as well.

Harry's p.o.v.

I can't believe my dad bailed me out of jail. I was suppose to be in jail for two more years. I can't believe Bella and Duncan are engaged! I know because I saw it on Facebook. I mean the person who stabbed her? Really? I don't understand her. Well, I think I will pay Duncan a little visit. After all, I know where he works. First, I think I will sharpen my knife....actually I will just clean my hands. I'm not gonna use a weapon this time. I already had left over pizza for breakfast and orange juice with it so I'm full. Which is good. you shouldn't kill someone on an empty stomach. By the time I get to Duncan's works it's 3:45. Bella gets out of work by 5:00 so I have plenty of time before she starts to wonder why her fiancé isn't back from work. When I walk into his work I'm glad to see that there are not any customers here.

"Hello Sr. what tattoo are you looking for?" Duncan asks me when I walk into his work area.

"I came here to talk about the light problem here." I say so he doesn't suspect anything.

"Oh yeah it's back here." he says. I love how clueless he is. it's quite amusing.

When he takes me in the back I punch him and push him up against the wall and start choking him. "You think you can just stab Bella and get away with it." I tell him as I make him not be able to breath and rip out his throat and kill him. "Not so funny now are ya?" I say to Duncan's dead body as I put it in a body bag and leave the place. When I get in my car I see that it is 5:00 now. "Perfect." I say as I drive away.

Bella's p.o.v.

When I get home I see a note taped to my door.

I told you I would kill him when I got out of jail. He can't stab you and get away with it.

The note on the door read. I can't believe Harry's out so soon? who bailed him out? I can't believe he killed Duncan. Oh my god! Now I'm not getting married and ugh! Why?

"Hello beautiful. Miss me?" Harry says and I turn toward him. he looks different. Scarier. Stronger.

"Hi." I say.

"Hi is all you can say? I got out of jail and wanted to see my love. I love you. you know that don't you?" he asks me.

"Yeah. I love you too. but why on earth did you kill Duncan?" I ask him.

"He hurt you and he couldn't possibly make you happy." he says and I hug him. I missed him so much. It's been a long time since we have seen each other.

Harry's p.o.v.

He it goes. I get down on one knee and pull out the black box that was in my pocket. "Bella? Will you marry me?" I ask the love of my life and she cries. happy tears. I can tell the difference.

"Yes. Yes I will marry you." She says and I put the diamond ring on her finger and stand up and hug her and kiss her. "Let's go inside. I am going to make dinner." she tells me and we walk inside.

Bella's p.o.v.

As I am making dinner Harry is watching me. I look out the window behind Harry to see Zayn standing beside his car. Shit! now how did he get out?

Zayns p.o.v.

I walk up to the door and knock it down. "Miss me?" I ask them and they both looked shocked and scared. The two best combinations ever.

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