Chapter Fourteen

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{I know, last chapter was super short, plus Ive been away for so long, so here is another chapter RIGHT AWAY}

"What?" I shrieked.

"I know, Lida, I am so sorry," Kat said, crying now.

"Why is she coming here?"

"I've ruined everything, Lid... I've ruined everything," Kat cried out, and began crying harder.

"What did she say?" I demanded.

"She said... she said she was coming to bring us home. And to 'give that Malkin boy a piece of my mind.'."

"Why did you call her! Kat!" I was yelling, and I couldn't help it. I came down here to make up with my baby sister and instead things had become worse.

"I don't know." I felt my hands clench in fists and I felt anger running through me. I stormed out of my sister's room.

"Lida, wait! I'm sorry," she called after me.

"Not good enough," I retorted. Upstairs, Geno still wasn't home from practise. I paced in the entrance hallway, waiting for him. I had a colourwheel of emotions swirling through my head. I was mad, I was scared, I was sad, I was guilty and betrayed. I had tried phoning my mother but she didn't pick up.

When Evgeni came home , he found me sitting at the bottom of the stairs, my head on my knees.

"Lida? What are you doing?" he asked, kicking his shoes off.

"My mama is coming here."

"I can't tell if it's good or bad news..." he said, sitting down beside me.

"Bad. Very, very bad."

"I'm confused."

"Kat called her. She is coming to bring us home and to yell at you," I sighed. He kissed my shoulder.

"I am not afraid of your mother," he said. A little smile peaked at the corner of his mouth. I looked at his face for a few minutes, and then smiled to.

"If you can keep me here, I'll never leave you," I said and we kissed. We went in the kitchen and I plated his dinner. Despite his reassuring words, I felt nervous. Halfway through supper, the phone rang. Evgeni picked it up, and right away I heard yelling.

"Mama... mama! Calm down!" he said, walking into the other room. Natalia's voice crackled through the phone.

"I was going to tell you, it hasn't even been twenty-four hours!" I could hear the defensive tone he had taken. I went downstairs to see Kat. When I opened her door, she teared up again.

"Oh Lida, will you ever forgive me?" She pleaded and I laughed.

"Katy, you're my baby sister, you'll always be my baby sister," I said. I sat down on bed with her and we hugged for a long time.

"Everything will work out in the end," I said.

"How do you know?" Kat asked.

"Because Evgeni said so, and he never lies to me. He will take care of things," I said.

"Why do you trust him?"

"I have no reason not to. I love him."

"You loved Antonio, too."

"Why do you worry about that so much?"

"I am scared. You didn't see what you looked like after the hospital. Before you came here." Kat's eyes gazed into the empty space in front of her, but saw something else.

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