Chapter Fifteen

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Downstairs, my mother said that she had given us a trial approval, and could take it back at anytime. In six months, she would re-evaluate her opinion. Laughter bubbled in my stomach, but I held it in. Evgeni squeezed my shoulder and we gave Mama a tour of the house. We had a beautiful dinner and convinced my mother to stay for a week. During Geno's practise the next day, Katryna and I took her on a tour of the city. She seemed to very much enjoy her time in Pittsburgh and even warmed to Evgeni. Sometimes I would catch them chatting away, her with a big smile on her face.

"Tomorrow, I will go home," she said, over dinner Sunday night.

"What? No!" Kat exclaimed.

"Yes. You can come with me, if you like," she said.

"But I like Pittsburgh!" Kat sighed.

"Okay, then stay," Mama shrugged.

"But I'll miss you," Kat proclaimed. My mother rolled her eyes.

"Mama, would you ever consider moving to PIttsburgh?" I asked. My mother lowered her eyes an dthe silence was deafening.

"Okay, girls, I've been meaning to tell you. I have been seeing someone back home. His name is Pavel and he has asked me to move in with him," she said, looking at me.

"But Mama! What about us?" Kat shrieked.

"What about us, Katy?" I asked, breaking eye contact with my mother.

"Where will we live?" she demanded.

"I am never going to live at home with Mama again... I live with Evgeni now," I said and he squeezed my leg under the table, the corners of his mouth twitching into a smile. "And you live here with us right now too."

"I don't want to live with you forever!" Kat proclaimed.

"Of course there is room for you in the new house, Kat!" My mother said, and rolled her eyes.

"What if I don't want to live with Pavel? I don't even know who he is! I've never met him! This is ridiculous!" Kat threw her fork down, getting up from the table and storming downstairs. My mother looked at me, concern written in her eyes.

"Don't worry, Mama. She will warm up to the idea. I think it's great news!" I squeezed her hand and she kissed my forehead.

"Everyone deserves to love," Evgeni said, smiling.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"I'll talk to Kat," Evgeni said, pushing back from his chair.

"Geno, you don't have to do that. I'm sure she'll come around on her own time," Mama said.

"No, Mama. She listens to him," I reassured her. She pursed her lips but didn't protest as he left.

"He takes good care of us," I said.

"I am your mother. I will always worry." She clasped my hand to her heart. "I will always love you though, even if I don't agree with your decisions."

"I don't understand what there is to disagree about. You've seen this week how great he is."

"It just seems so rushed... It's too fast. It's not normal."

"Our engagement doesn't mean we're going to get married right this second. It's just... a promise. A declaration of our intentions." My mother kissed my hand.

"I am going to go to bed," she said, standing up.

"Evgeni has a long distance plan, if you want to use the phone," I offered. She smiled and left.

I cried when we dropped my mother off at the airport. Her eyes glistened, but she never shed a drop. Kat was apologetic, and said she was going to go home as soon as hockey season was over. My mother's smile was as bright as the sun with that news. She even hugged Evgeni before she left.

"That wasn't so bad," he said as we watched the plane take off.

"No, I knew she just needed time."

"Just like me," Kat said,and sniffed. I took Kat's hand and we left.

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