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"I HAVE LIKE... ZERO WORDS. Nada," was all that Selina told Nita when she finally came back to Turin two days later which was only suppose to be one day, but Paulo had insisted she stayed with him just for another day, now they knew everything about each other. It felt like they've been friends for a lifetime.
"Why are you speaking Spanish in Italy? And anyways, he and I agreed that he's going to tell the press about it later tomorrow. He has a-" Selena cut her off being she had the chance to complete her sentence.
"He has an interview with this Italian sports reporter after his game tomorrow. Yes Nita, I think I know your boyfriend more than you do," she rolled her eyes, than Nita rolled her eyes.
"He's not my boyfriend-boyfriend," she gasped as she said that, remembering about her boyfriend, "Ricardo! Selina, how is he going to take this? This isn't going to end well."
Selina looked around Nita's blue room and looked back at her, "Would you like the cold hard truth... or the sweet lies?"
Nita glared at her, "Just give the truth-nicely!"
"Well, he's going to blame you and not believe that this was an accident and break up with you," she sighed, "But you have Paulo! So it's okay."
Nita sighed with her, "Yeah, but Paulo has his girlfriend, Antonella. And then I'll raise the baby by myself and he'll get to raise it with Antonella. I'll be alone, Selina!"
Before Selina could think of a full response, Nita's phone rang and Nita's eyes widened, "What the!"
"What? What!" Selina whispered looking in Nita's direction to look at the caller ID on her phone, making Selina gasp.
"Pick it up, pick it up!" Selina told her best friend.
Nita took a deep breath before answering. She hit the answer button and Paulo's beautiful face popped up.
He smiled at Nita, "Ciao, Nita. I just want to remind you that my interview's tomorrow-"
Before Paulo could finish, of course Selina had to interrupt. She just couldn't handle her excitement. She grabbed Nita's phone and spoke to Paulo.
"Hi Paulo, I just want to say that I love you, like a lot. More than a lot, and that Juventus is my favourite team and you're my favourite player and how I wish I got knocked up, not Nita. Oh by the way, I'm Selina and I'm Nita's best friend. Okay bye! I love you!"
Nita muted the FaceTime call, "Are you crazy or are you crazy?! He's going to think that I'm crazy because my best friend is crazy! More than crazy," she shook her head and saw Paulo laughing his head off.
She unmuted the call and he kept laughing, "I like your best friend more than you, I know who'd be good for her."
Selina popped into the frame, "Who?" she grinned, Paulo was so cute. Especially on FaceTime.
"My brother," he simply replied, causing her to gasp.
"I mean, I always told myself if I never got you, I'd get him but now that's weird since technically we're best friends because you're my best friends baby daddy. We're best friends, right?" Selina asked Paulo.
Paulo nodded, "Okay best friend, Nita I'm going to the washroom, be right back!" Selina informed Nita and went to her attached washroom.
"Okay, I called you for a reason," Paulo said as soon as Selina left the room.
"Yeah, what's the reason?" she asked, clicking on her phone to check the time that read 10:23 p.m. She and Selina were having a sleepover
"Do you wanna come to my game, and for my interview come with me?" he asked. Nita gave him a look, a 'what the heck' look, Paulo caught on.
"I'll take that as a no, I understand," he told her, Paulo wanted his fans to know what was happening in his life and Nita was now a big part of his life, a special part.
"No, no! I want to, but I just don't think I'm ready. And I'm nervous just thinking about it, but what do you think?" she asked for his opinion, she kind of trusted Paulo with her life at this point.
"Me? I think you should do it, it'll be fine. I'm sure everyone will love you. And bring Selina, I know she'd like to watch a Juventus game and meet you-"
"-Yes! Yes! Yes! I swear to god if you say no, Nita!" Selina said coming out of the washroom. She was eavesdropping on their whole conversation.
"Whoa, where did you come from? And I'm not saying no. I'll come Paulo, are tickets still available?"
He shook his head, "I could drive to your place and give you guys tickets, do you have a Juventus jersey or mine?"
"No, you are not driving over here. Selina is capable of driving 4 hours tomorrow. And no, I don't. Selina does. She'll be wearing Claudio's."
"Are you sure? And alright, it's a home game so I can give you one of my jersey's if you'd like."
Selina gasped and whispered to her best friend, "Yes, say yes!"
Nita nodded, "Sure, I'd love that! Could you text me everything?"
Paulo nodded his head, "Yeah, I will. And when you guys arrive at the Juventus Stadium tomorrow, just tell me so I can give you your jersey and the tickets. Goodnight, bella!"
A tired Paulo hung up the FaceTime call, and Selina let it out. She kept screaming. Nita told her multiple times to calm down but she couldn't.
"Paulo Dybala, Nita! Paulo Dybala!" Selina told her, "The footballer! How are you not screaming like me? Why are you calm?"
Nita shook her head, "Because I've known Paulo for almost two months now, Selina. And I'm not that obsessed with football like you are."