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"DOES YOUR MOM KNOW ABOUT me?" Nita had asked Paulo on the second day they decided to hang out, a couple of weeks after their last get together.

Paulo looked up from his phone and hummed, "What?" they were sitting in his apartment, watching West Side Story, but it seemed that only Nita was paying attention to the Musical. It had just turned noon and Nita wanted to stay inside for awhile before they were to go their lunch reservations they made for 3 p.m.

"Did you tell your mom about me, yet?" she reworded and asked again, Nita and her mother were discussing last night how they would tell her father and her grandmother who still had no idea, it was two months into the pregnancy and the bump had not been noticeable yet.

Paulo locked his phone and looked up to her, "I was hoping you could meet her-she'd love you!" he sighed, "My father would too you know, he couldn't wait for this chapter of my life. I mean I imagined myself married and all but."

Nita smiled, "I'm not going to marry you-just yet," she joked, causing Paulo to laugh at her humour.

"Alright, just let me know when you picked out a date," he joked back. He loved being around Nita, she was something different, way different than Antonella-who was still not returning his calls.

"Don't worry, I'll think about it soon," she responded.

"So, you told me you have a boyfriend, right?" Paulo said changing the subject. Nita had mentioned Ricardo once or twice but he wasn't the thing on her mind-neither was Selena who still had no clue.

Selena was suspecting something, though. Her best friend had been barley talking to her and her boyfriend, it wasn't like Nita to suddenly avoid them both without a reason. Nita would just say she didn't feel good-which wasn't a complete lie. Still, Selena wanted to know what was going on and she would. But not right now.

Nita nodded at Paulo, "Ricardo, why?" she asked, if he could ask about Ricardo, she would ask about Antonella.

He shrugged. "Does he know yet?"

Nita shook her head multiple times, "Hell would break through, I don't think he'll believe me if I tell him."

Paulo was suggesting on telling her to leave him, but that wasn't his place. Something in him really made him want to say that, but he shook his head, Nita wasn't his girl to make decisions for.

"Does he make you happy?" Paulo blurted out, immediately regretting it. What was he thinking?

Nita looked at him like she didn't know what to say, she truly didn't. Their one year anniversary was around the corner but she didn't think they'll make it. She just shrugged, leaving his question unanswered.

He nodded and focused on the musical Nita was making him watch, after five minutes of watching it he was enjoying what was happening. But then it ended, being only 2 p.m.

Nita decided to break the silence, "What time are you driving me back to Venice?" she asked. Paulo had been so kind to drive her to Turin and back to Venice whenever she came to visit him. It was the most efficient thing ever but at least they got to spend time together. Now it felt like they've known each other their whole lives, but it's only been about two months.

Paulo looked at his phone to check the time and shrugged, "Whenever you want me to drive you home. It doesn't matter to me."

She nodded, "Do you think I could stay here for the night? I don't want you driving 8 hours just for me, it's such a hassle. I'll just get my mom to come pick me up tomorrow, if it's fine with you. We could spend the whole day together!"

Paulo was a bit taken back, he wouldn't expect Nita wanting to spend the night with him. "Yeah, of course! That's f-"

Before Paulo could continue, he was interrupted by a ringing noise coming from Nita's iPhone 6s, "Shoot!" Nita said.

"What?" Paulo asked looking at her.

"Selina, my best friend is calling me! Move, so I can answer!" she quickly said causing Paulo to stand up and sit on the couch, beside her but not in frame.

Nita answered the FaceTime call, "Selina, hey! What's up?" she said eyeing Paulo.

"Nita, where are you? Ricardo and I are waiting for you-you don't look like you're in your room, where are you? And why is there a Juventus poster behind you?"

Nita looked behind her and mentally cursed, why did Paulo have a Juventus poster everywhere in his apartment. She mentally cursed as she forgot she was meeting up with Ricardo and Selina today to go shopping.

"I'm sorry Sel, I totally forgot! And, I'm at my cousin's," she paused and thought, "he's a big fan of Juve! Could we reschedule? I'm in Turin right now, I'll be back in two days."

"You have a cousin in Turin? Where is he? Could I see him!" she asked, Selina was always looking for new boys.

"Uh, sorry Sel. He's currently not here, he's... at a Juve game!" Nita suddenly came up with but mentally cursed, causing Paulo to burst out laughing.

"Nita, I don't think there's a game going on right now, or I'd be watching it. And who was laughing? Nita, why are you lying to me?"

Suddenly, her boyfriend came on screen. "Nita, where are you? I called your mom and she said you were at your father's house? Are you seeing your dad again?"

Oh my god, is that really all my mom could come up with?

Paulo laughed and whispered in her ear, "That's your boyfriend?"

She muted the call for a second, "Paulo, leave!"

"This is my apartment, I can't leave, princess," he smirked causing Nita to roll her eyes.

"Paulo I think I should just tell them, they won't get mad, would they?"

Paulo shrugged, "I think you should tell them too," he said and immediately took her phone out of her hands and un-muted it, "Ciao!"

Both Ricardo's and Selina eyes widened, "It's fucking Paulo Dybala!" Selena said.

Nita gasped and took her phone out of his hands and hung up.


"I got it done for you, now let's go out for lunch, bae," he shrugged and got up, Nita raised her hands and told Paulo to pull her up.

"You're such a bitch, you're looking you're famous and that I'm carrying your child," she told him.

"I know, but you love me. Everyone does!"


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