the fangirl next door

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Finn's P.O.V

I looked out my window as my new neighbors entered the house. There was a girl who looked my age, and her parents.

I wonder who'll get the room with the window across from mine?

My question is answered as the teen girl opener the door with a bunch of boxes. She looks up at the window and I quickly duck down before she sees me.

I continue to watch out the window, but I keep my head low. She has a box on her bed, labeled "fandom stuff". It's open, and she starts pulling things out.

The first things looks like a poster. When she unrolls it, I smirk a bit. It's a Stranger Things poster. Our new neighbor is a Stranger Things fan.

Then she faces the window and I see that she's wearing an It t-shirt.

"Finn! We're going over to meet the new neighbors!"

This should be fun


My mom rang the doorbell, and it was opened a minute later by, who I guessed was, the girl's mom.

She had an odd look on her face for a second, but it changed to a smile.

"Betty, Y/n! The neighbors have come over!"

I hear two sets of footsteps from upstairs, and a blonde woman comes downstairs, followed by a h/c haired girl.

The fangirl.

She stops in her tracks, and her eyes widened. I can see her containing her excitement as her moms invite us in.

Her moms take us into the living room, and we begin introducing ourselves.

"Hello, I'm Betty, and this is Veronica. And this is our daughter, Y/n."

The girl, Y/n, nodded and waved a bit. Every few seconds she'd glance awkwardly at me, and then the floor.

"Y/n. Why don't you and Finn go up to your room and get to know each other?"

Her head jolted up, and she began to protest.

"N-no, it's fine, t-that m-"

"It's okay, we can go to your room. I'll help you unpack."

Her moms almost had to push her out of the room.

Y/n was hesitant to open her door, but when she did, I saw that her walls were covered in It and Stranger Things posters, and pictures of the casts from both things.

Which meant that my new neighbor had photos of me on her wall.

"I-i'm sorry. T-this is p-p-probably really w-weird to y-you."

I shook my head.

"Don't worry, I've seen stranger things."

She laughed a bit, but quickly went silent again. I noticed that every time she looked at me, she'd immediately turn to the floor.

"S-sorry I'm being s-s-so awkward. It's n-not everyday that y-you have the F-Finn Wolfhard in y-your bedroom."


A couple of hours later, Y/n felt a bit more comfortable around me. Then my mom came and told me we were heading home.

Later that night, I was messaging the It cast group chat about Y/n when I noticed said girl sitting on her bed, which was next to her window.

I decided to send them a secret photo of her. I quickly snapped one, and sent it.

Right after I put my phone down, Y/n looked up and we made eye contact. She waved slightly, and I waved back.

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