best friends

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3rd Person

Y/n L/n and Finn Wolfhard had been friends since they were babies. They did everything together, and were almost never apart.

Their first words were each others names. They helped each other learn to walk. They were inseparable.

Until, one year, when Finn completely disappeared. He didn't come to school, he wasn't at home, he never picked up the phone and he never tried to contact y/n at all.

He had disappeared.

After a while, Finn's disappearance took quite a toll on y/n.

Without him, she had no friends at school, and no one to stand up for her. She was the perfect specimen for the bullies of the school.

And just to make her life harder, her mother was killed in a car crash, purposely caused by her father, who was then thrown into jail.

Y/n was a 11 year old girl, with no parents and no friends.


Four years after Y/n had last seen Finn Wolfhard, on her 15th birthday, she took herself out to see the new It movie.

She was not prepared for what she was about to see.

Only a few minutes into the movie, her heart stopped.

There, on the screen, along with two other names, was Finn Wolfhard.

This. Was this why Finn had disappeared? To film a movie? He had always talked about wanting to go into acting, so y/n wasn't that suprised.

As she continued to watch the movie, she couldn't help but admire Finn's acting. He was incredible. By the end of the movie, she was overwhelmed by Finn's talent.

Back at home, she searched Finn up online, and found out more. He had filmed a show called Stranger Things before It.

'So that's why he disappeared all those years ago.'

Y/n also found out that Finn was having a meet and greet in about two weeks, along with the rest of the It cast, right here in Vancouver.


It was the day of the meet and greet, and y/n was slightly freaking out.

1. Because she was about to see her best friend for the first time in four years
2. She was going to meet the It cast too
3. Finn might not remember her and that would break her heart
4. She had just made it in time, making her the last one in line

As she stood in line to meet them, she ran through what she was going to say in her mind.

'Hey Finn, remember me? Y/n, you're best friend since we were babies?'

No, that was stupid.

'Finn! I've missed you so much!'

No, that might come across as a bit weird.

Y/n was so focused on what she was going to say, that she didn't realise that the line had moved, and she was one person away from Finn.

'Here we go, y/n. Don't fuck it up.'

Y/n opened her mouth to say something, but was instead silenced by someone pulling her into a hug.

She looked up to see a familiar mop of messy hair, and that iconic frogface.

"Y/n! Oh my god!"

"Finn! Holy shit, I've missed you so much!"

The two hugged for what seemed like ages, until one of the other cast members cleared their throat, catching your attention.

"Finn, who is this?"

A guy with noodles for hair, or "Wyatt" as he preferred to be called, said, pointing his sharpie at y/n.

"Oh! This is y/n. We've been best friends since we were babies."

"We've been best friends for that long and you didn't think to tell me you were going off and becoming famous."

Y/n playfully punched his shoulder, making Finn give her a glare, in a joking manner.

"Do you guys mind if I go talk to y/n alone? She was the last one in line, so."

They all nodded, and Finn guided y/n to a room out the back.

"Y/n, look, I'm sorry that I suddenly disappeared. It was my parents. They thought that maybe you'd be better off if you didn't know what I was doing."

Y/n understood, and hugged Finn once again.

"I really missed you, Finn. It's been lonely without you."

"Well I'm here now, and I'm not leaving you. Ever."

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