Chapter Six

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H- Hey Anns?
A- Ya Hayden?
H- Did I wake u up?
A- YES!!!
H- Oh, Okay anyways, Can you still sing?
A- No, trust me I am a horrible singer!
H- Oh okay, I just remeber when we were little we used to put on concerts for our familes.
A- Oh, I remember that!
H- Well the boys are waking up gtg!
A- Okay by Hay going back to sleep!
H_ Bye Annie! LOL

Carson: Who you texting bro?

Hayden: Just Annie

Johnny: Annie.. HUH??

Conner: I SHIP IT!

Hayden: GUYS!!! WE are only FRIENDS!

Carson; Okay??

Hayden: What we are!!!!

Johnny: Sure, What should we do today?

Conner: Hangout with the girls at JoJo's house!

Carson: Great Idea! Let's go now and wake up the girls!

The boys go over to JoJo's house and knock on the door. JoJo's mom opens up.

JoJo's Mom: Hey boys!

Carson: Hi are the girls here?

JoJo's Mom: Yes they are in the bonus room.

Carson: THanks!

Johnny: Lets Barge in and Scare them!

Conner: Great Idea

Hayden: Let me just warn you Annie is not going to wake up! She was asleep during a fire alarm once at my house*Laughs*

Carson: Okay We will try

Conner: 1,2,3

Johnny: Wake Up!!!

Everyone but Annie: AHHH!!

Kenzie: Seriously you guys!!!

JoJo: Who let you guys in?!?!

Hayden: YOur mom

Jayden: JoJo!!!!

JoJo: I'll talk to here!

Hayden: told ya'll she isn't gonna wake up!

Kenzie: How we gonna wake her?

Hayden: Just watch and Learn...*Goes up to Annie and Tickles her*

Annie: NOOOO!!*Laughs* Hayden!!! WHY!*Laughing*

Hayden: you didn't wake up!

Annie: that doesn't give you permission to tickle me!

Hayden: It kinda does...

Annie:* Throws a pillow at Hayden** Then all the girls throw a pillow at the boys*

Hayden: Guys! I have an Idea!!!

Johnny: What bro?

Kenzie: Wait I wanna do Hide-n-seek!

Jayden: THat should be fun!

Connor: Lets do teams!

Annie: I'm warning you guys team Hannie!! Is unstoppable!

JoJo: You know what lets do solo!

Carson: Okay Annie your it!

Annie: What why me!!!

Hayden: Who wants Annie to be it?

Everyone: ME!

Annie: Fine... ONE!

Connor: Oh shot she is starting hurry lets go.

Kenzie: I have a plan!

Johnny: Okay Well close the door first!

Jayden: Okay!

JoJo: Whats your plan?

Kenzie: Lets hide in a group over in the closet over there it's really deep!

JoJo: Oh ya it is!!!

Hayden: Lets GO!!


Connor: She's coming everyone be quiet!

Annie: *Singing thinking no one can hear her*  For what it's worth, I hope we can be more.

Johnny: Is that Annie?

Kenzie: I think so ya!

Carson: Bro I thought you said she can't sing.

Hayden: She said she can't...What song is she singing?

JoJo: It's her original.. She writes songs when she can't sleep and she wrote this last night.

Annie: We are a thousand words, that's out current score.

Jayden: Who she singing it about?

Connor: Idk?

Hayden: I think she has a crush on someone...

Kenzie: I mean she doe-

JoJo: * Covers Kenzie's mouth*  does Love to sing about random things.....

Jayden: Safe one JoJo..

Johnny: What are you guys talking about?

Kenzie: Oh we were talking about Ann-

JoJo: *Covers her mouth again* OMG KENZIE BE quiet *That was a whisper screamm.. LOL*

Carson: I wonder who the crush is

Hayden: Lets listen to the lyrics maybe they will tell who the person is. As a singer you have to read in between the lines.

Annie: Theres that picture we took that time, stole it from you and now it's mine.

Connor: Looks like she stole a picture from someone and keeps it with her the whole time.

Hayden: Wait this might be about... Caleb....

Johnny: WHo is Caleb?

Hayden: It's her older brother

JoJo: Can we met him?

JAyden: Ya WHy didn't she tell us about him

Hayden:...Hes.....*Starts to tear up* Dead..

Kenzie: OMG!!1*Whispers*

Hayden: *Full out tears* He always had me and Annie's back when we were little...

Carson: Oh Hayden... Wait Annie's singing agian....

Annie: I Imagine this could happen but don't know how you feel.

Hayden: Wait no she is definitnly talking about her crush.

Conner: So Who is her crush

Jayden: Idk?

Johnny: Lets listen maybe it's someone in this group.

Annie: Maybe Yes, Maybe No, Maybe found my other half, maybe all we ares a photograph..x2
Know Myself, But you know me better. We are a million moments, each one I treasure. Looking for clues in that printed ink, gonna go crazy wondering what you think, I imagine this could happen but don't know how you feel.

JoJo: I know! Is it possible this song is about Hayden.....

Hayden: What no way we are just friends....

Kenzie: Omg your right JoJo.. She said " Maybe all we ares a photograph" She has only taken a picture with you because we all just met here. She said" Know myself but you know me better" You have known her longer than all of us so we can't know her better than her self....

Carson: Hannie Exposed!

Annie: What ya guys talking about?

Conner: Oh your here, we were justing talking about hayden's new song.

Johnny: By the way Annie, We all love your new song and your voice.

Annie: You WHAT!!!

Jayden: We could here you singing while you were looking for us.

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