#2 Jimin x Reader

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Jimin........how could you.......Jimin who is my boyfriend of 4 years....he never told ARMY's and I respected that, he hardly ever went out in public with me, and I understood that....but this.....this hurt too much.

I was happily watching the award show live on TV tonight, all the guys had brought dates...all of them. And of course, I wasn't my boyfriend's date. Ok, he didn't want questions asked, that's ok. When BTS got the award and he started thanking people, I wasn't mentioned, and that's ok. But then....the interview after the show.

"Park Jimin! You next, your date tonight, is she your girlfriend?" asked the hostess of the interview.

"Aha, no. I don't have a girlfriend." Ouch....that hurt. But ok, I can respect his wish for privacy.

"No? Are you close with your date?" Asked the hostess.

"We're good friends, yes." I partly smiled at that, just friends.....that reassured me.

"Ah, well then would you two kiss?" my face drained of colour, he wouldn't go that far....would he? The girl giggled and the two looked at each other before smiling at the camera and nodded. It was just a quick peck on the lips....but he kissed another woman.

Did I even exist to him? Did I cross his mind ever? Getting up and walking to my phone with tears in my eyes I texted him a message.

(Y/N): Don't bother coming home, the doors and windows will all be locked. Wait....its not even your home! Id like the key back, please.

(Y/N): Oh, by the way. We're through. Though I doubt you even knew we were together, after all, Im invisible to you.

I sent off the two messages before blocking his number. Walking to my door, I locked it and barricaded it for extra measures. Pushing a table against it. Then I went to my windows and locked them all shut, closing the curtains. Any other way he could get in was locked and boarded up. He wasn't getting in! I wouldn't let him.....I won't let him hurt me again.

An hour later I was laying down on my bed when I got a video call from Hobi, I answered it, only to be met with the faces of all 7 members of BTS. "Hello boys, what an honour it is to hear from BTS themselves! Wow! What did I do to deserve this?" I spoke in mock excitement, pretending as if I didn't know them.

"Jagi plea-" Jimin tried to start but I interrupted him.

"Jagi? Oh. my. Goodness!!! The Park Jimin just called me Jagi!!! Oh, what a day!" I clutched onto my chest as if I was holding my heart. "I better go before I have a heart attack! It has truly been an honour!" I said giving a mock bow...er...nod of the head and then hanging up, ignoring their cries for me to stop. I wouldn't listen....I wouldn't let him hurt me again.

That night, I cried and cried and cried. Why was he so loving when it was just the two of us, but out in public I was nothing more than dirt under his foot! Why?? WHY!?!?! I eventually fell asleep in the early hours of the morning, tear stains down my cheeks and eyes red from crying.

The next morning I was woken up by the sound of a camera click. Waking me up I saw (B/F/N) standing above me on the bed. After she did whatever she was doing she gathered my now awake form in her arms, hugging me as I burst into tears, crying into her shoulder. (B/F/N) was the only person who had the key to my bedroom window, also being the only person I know who can climb to my window on the second story. I was kind of hoping she would get in.

JIMIN'S Pov-----

I hadn't slept all night. At one point last night after the show, I went to her house and tried to get her to open up, but she didn't. This morning I sat in the BTS dorms, depressed and un-moving from my spot on the couch. The other guys gave me sympathetic looks but I didn't even respond to them. I felt only the seeping black hole inside of me eating away at my happiness.....she is my happiness. Now she's gone.....I was so afraid to let ARMY down, I didn't think about letting her down. I didn't want to ruin bangtan so I hid her away. I love her more than anything, and because of my fear, I lost her.

The phone in my pocket beeped and I quickly snatched it up, hoping (Y/N) had unblocked me and would talk to me. It wasn't her however, it was her best friend.

(B/F/N): -photo attached- This is what you did to her you pig.

The picture made my eyes go wide as my heart sunk. I did that to her? She looked like she was in so much pain, eyes red and puffy, face stained with tears, frown etched on her face, complexion paler than Yoongi!

What have I done?

Jimin: I want to fix this! I want to make her happy!!

Was my desperate reply.

(Y/N) Pov-----

I read over the text Jimin sent back to (B/F/N). I spoke my answer out loud, "Then treat me like the invisibility I am to you, and leave me alone."

And that's what (B/F/N) sent Jimin.....and that's what he did....

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