#3 Min Yoongi x Reader

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(The picture is the one used in this chapter.) Soulmate AU

Laying in bed I couldn't help but let my mind wander from topic to topic. Granted I mainly only thought of BTS, but that was beside the point. I was bored and had nothing to do but think. The last few days the media had been blowing up from an interview. I grabbed my phone that lay beside me picking it up and opening it to the news page that had the whole interview written down.

MC: Recently the golden maknae found his soulmate, that makes 4 members who have found the love of their lives. Min Yoongi, as the second oldest of the group, how does that make you feel, the fact you haven't found your soulmate yet?

Yoongi: I feel a sense of hopelessness. I see the others interacting with their soulmates and I want that, but I'm starting think she doesn't exist.

MC: Do you not have the words on your arm?

Everyone is born with a tattoo on their wrist, its the first words your soulmate says to you. When you meet your soulmate and they say those words to you, the tattoo morphs into their name and instead of being on your wrist, it's on your ring finger.

I sighed as I remembered that, looking down at my own risk. 'Holy Shit'. Was the words that greeted me. I groaned out loud. Gee, thank you so much soulmate. Note my sarcasm. DO you know how many times I've heard those words in public and looked like a complete fool as I turned to look at the person with hope, only to be crushed as I realize that it's not my soulmate?

I decided to keep reading, I had already read this a million times, but I couldn't help it.

Yoongi: I do, but they are words I've heard a multitude of times believe it or not. You wouldn't think that though by reading the words.

MC: I would ask what they are, but I know its a private matter.

Yoongi: Its fine, the words are, 'Your an idiot, Jungkook should be my bias instead of you....'' then it cuts off as if they were interrupted.

The website had the picture of his wrist as he pulled up his sleeve and showed the tattoo. I remember when I watched the video everyone had gasped at the fact he had let that information lose. It was a big deal!

I was about to keep reading the post until I got a notification telling me that one of my online friends had messaged me.

@_Sleepy_Turtle_: Hey (Y/N), sorry its been a while. I've been slammed with work. How are you?

@YourUsername: Same old, same old. Being a single pringle, wondering if my soulmate exists. But this weekend, I made a spiritual connection with my bias, he's in the same boat! I feel sorry for him though, I know what its like.

@_Sleepy_Turtle_: Aha, so do I. I feel the both of you. I'm surprised though, usually, the first thing you say to me is that usual question of yours.

@YourUsername: Oh yeah! Can you send me a picture of yourself?

@_Sleepy_Turtle_: No

@YourUsername: It wouldn't be Monday without your usual answer. xD

@_Sleepy_Turtle_: Can I see a picture of you?

@YourUsername: You have my social media, you can just look at my posts.

@_Sleepy_Turtle_: But I want a picture no one else has. You're beautiful.

@YourUsername: Sometimes I question if I'm talking to an old pedophile. But then I remember all that talk about how you want to find your soulmate and I remember you're like me....and MIn Yoongi. OMG did you see my bias in the interview though!?!?! He looked flawless! As usual!

@_Sleepy_Turtle_:...... :/ Not sure if I should be offended or......

@YourUsername: Awww, come on. Anyway, WYD???

@_Sleepy_Turtle_: Sitting on the couch with my brothers while they watch a movie with their soulmates, while I and 2 of my younger brothers sit thinking about the soulmates we haven't found yet.

@_Sleepy_Turtle_: Oh, and talking to you.

@YourUsername: Stop explaining my life! I'm sitting on my bed, re-reading the interview where Oppa revealed his soulmate mark.

@YourUsername: Oh and talking to you.

@_Sleepy_Turtle_: You cant see it but I'm rolling my eyes.

@YourUsername: T.T Your so mean to me.

It took a few minutes for him to reply, which made me worry he had left without saying goodbye. But then the message came through.



@_Sleepy_Turtle_: I LIKE YOU ALREADY!!!!!!!




@YourUsername: -.-

@_Sleepy_Turtle_: OH NO!!!! ITS ANOTHER YOONGI HYUNG!!!!!

@YourUsername: What has my flawless bias got to do with this? -.-

@_Sleepy_Turtle_: Oh....OHHHHH....this explains a lot. You must feed his ego a lot....

@YourUsername: What is going on??? Can you give turtle his phone back...wait....I see an opportunity here. Can you send me a picture of him right now?

@_Sleepy_Turtle_: (Photo File Attached) He hasn't realized I'm using his phone. He thinks ive hidden it.

@YourUsername:...I asked for a photo of you guys. Not my bias and bias wrecker.

@_Sleepy_Turtle_: That is us.....

@YourUsername: YOu expect me to believe the guy I've been talking to for over a year is Min Yoongi??? My bias........yeah right.

@_Sleepy_Turtle_: ANd that Jungkook stole his phone....yes.

@Username: oh my god...........oh god no........do you realize how bad this is!!! The things I've told him!!!!...mind you id still probably have fangirled about him either way....

It took another 7 minutes for him to reply again, but eventually, he did.

@_Sleepy_Turtle_: I'm so sorry (Y/N)!!! My younger brother stole my phone. I only just got it from him. Let me quickly check what he said.

I didn't reply, I was too embarrassed, and a bit mad to be honest. Why didn't he tell me? Did he not trust me? Was he just playing me? Using me for entertainment?

@_Sleepy_Turtle_: Oh no, (Y/N) I can explain!!!

@_Sleepy_Turtle_: Please answer me....

@_Sleepy_Turtle_: (Y/N)????

He kept spamming me non stop for the next hour until I finally had enough and replied.

@Username: Don't talk to me. I'm disgusted. How could you??? Did you really not trust me so much? Or maybe I was just your entertainment, that ARMY girl who stanned you so much.

@_Sleepy_Turtle_: It's not that at all! Please (Y/N) just listen to me.

@YourUsername: I said stop talking to me!

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