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Song of the chapter: Outro Does That Make Sense? By BTS.

A/N ayeeee this is the last chapter of this book. Read the Authors Note at the bottom to find the title of the sequel.

"Hello," I hear my best friend Cole say to me as I wall into the busy high school and wave goodbye to my brother who quickly greets Cole.

"He's so cute," Cole says with a smile as she watches Cade walk away and I bump her shoulder.

"Ay! That's my brother you're talking about," I tell her as we walk to my locker and she flashes a smile to me making me smile as well.

I grab my books out of my locker and we continue to walk to class. I watch my feet as I walk stepping in a square each time I rake a step until someone bumps into my shoulder making me drop my books.

"Oops sorry," I look up to see a smirking Mallory.

"I'm sorry too," I say and Mallory looks confused. "I'm sorry that you are so ugly that you need so much makeup but you still can't cover it up."

I hear Cole trying to stop a laugh and Mallory scoff.

"Yeah well, at least I don't buy my makeup from the dollar store," Cole goes quiet at this and I laugh.

"Yeah. You're not cheap. But you look like it,"

~3rd person POV~

Kieran and Cole walk down the busy hallways talking about their weekends, homework, and the hot topic of the day... Emerson.

"So you haven't talked to him since then?" Colton asks Kieran and she sighs as she shakes her head.

"No but I am hoping to talk to him today. You think he'll talk to me?" Keiran asks and Cole laughs.

"Yeah! He'd be dumb not to forgive you. Not that you did anything wrong."

Kieran exchanges her books at her locker and looks around for Emerson for the tenth time of the day.

Must be sick. She thinks to herself but a little tiny piece of her mind is telling her otherwise.

Kieran waits the the rest of the day for Emerson. But he doesn't show up, not the next day, or the next, or the next.

Kieran tries to call him but it goes to voice mail each time.

"Hey Emerson . . . You know, you're a real ass hole for just leaving like that. But, I still like you. I realize that we will never see each other again, but I just want you to know that you were my first love and I'll never forget you. Not even when I'm old and my hair is graying. I love-"

The phone stops the recording and Kieran sighs as she sets down her phone marking the last time that she will ever call Emerson Barrett.

~1 year later~

I quickly walk through the unknown area as I wish I had accepted the offer my sister had given me to drive me to my University.

I close my eyes trying to remember the way even though the city isn't very big.

As I open my eyes I walk into a person standing in the middle of the sidewalk staring down at his phone.

"Hey what are you doing?!?" I ask as I step away from him and he looks up from his phone.

The guy has slightly chaggy black hair and lightly tanned skin.

"Oh. Sorry. Do you know the way to the University?" He asks and I smile.

"Yeah I'm actually just on my way there. You new here?" I ask and his face lights up.

"Yeah I actually just moved here from California!"

"Oh cool! I just moved here last month from the U.S. as well."

"That is so cool."

"Yeah. Oh my name is Kieran, by the way," I say with a smile and hold out my hand.


A/N Hai so this is the last chapter of Cute New Kid. I hoped you enjoyed it. I will probably edit the story because I am sure lots of the chapters are super cringey.  😣 The sequel is called 'Emerson Who? (Sequel to Cute New Kid) (Palaye Royale)' the first chapter is already out so please check that out, because it would mean a lot to me. Baiiii.

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