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I slam my locker shut as I hear the bell for first period. I start walking to my first class and my best friend Colton joins me.

"Hi Cole," I say without looking at her.

"Hey," We are silent for a little bit then she says "oh did you here that there is a new guy in our class."

"Oh, have you seen him yet?" I ask.

"No not yet. But I hope he is cute."

"Yeah, same," I say as we walk into the classroom.

The first class we have is art. I am happy about this because art is my favorite subject.

I go and sit at my regular seat at the back of the room and Colton sits beside me. The teacher starts the lesson. She tells us that today we will be doing a free draw because she has some work that she has to do.

Right when the teacher sits down at her desk there is a knock on the door. She gets up and answers the door. The principle walks in and a guy trails in behind her.

The guy has brown hair that goes down to his shoulders and is wearing a ripped shirt, black skinny jeans and a pirate like hat. This guy must be the new kid Colton was talking about.

The principle talks to the teacher and the boy just stands there.

When they are done talking the principle leaves and the teacher gets our attention.

"Listen up class. This is your new classmate," she says to us. Then she turns to the boy. "Would you like to tell them about yourself then you can go find a seat." The boy nods his head.

"Uh my name is Emerson, I live with my two older brothers and we have a band together," Emerson says he gives a small wave then comes and sits in the seat next to me since there are no other open seats.

"Hi," I say to him when the teacher sits down at her desk.

"Hi," he says to me.

"So, you're in a band?" I ask him.

"Yup, Palaye Royale,"

"Cool what kind music do you play?"

"We play rock,"

"Sweet so do you play any instruments or do you sing?" I ask all of a sudden really interested in this band.

"Oh I play drums," he says smiling at me.

"Cool I've always wanted to play an instrument,"

"Yeah? You should come over sometime and I'll teach you how to play,"

"Oh that would be cool," I say then grab a piece of blank paper and start to draw.

When the bell rings indicating the end of class I pack all my papers and pencils into my binder and stand up.

"Can you show me where my next class is?" Emerson asks.

"Uh sure. What class do you have next?"

"Umm. Leadership I think," then he nods his head. "Yeah I have leadership,"

"Cool I have that class to," I say then add. "I'll take you there."

"OK," he says as we walk out of the class to the room we have leadership in.

When we reach the classroom, I
go to the back of the class and Emerson follows me. I pick the desk in the corner and he sits in the one beside it.

"So tell me about yourself," he says since the teacher isn't here yet.

"Um, well my name is Kieran I have lived here my whole life. I have an older sister and I really enjoy to draw." I say.

"Cool," he says then the teacher walks into the room.

~end of school~

When the bell rings indicating the end of school I put all my papers info my binder then walk out of the class to my locker.

When I get to my locker I notice Emerson standing there.

"Hi," I say to him as I do my lock combination then open up my locker.

"Hey, what are you up to today? Do you want to come to my place for a bit?" He asks me.

"Uh sure I'll just have to ask my mom quickly."

"OK. ," he says then walks over to his locker and pulls out his bag.

I grab my phone out of my back pocket then quickly text my mom that I am going to a friends. She replies saying that it is fine.

Emerson walks up to me.

"I can go," I tell him.

"Great. I can't wait for you to meet my brothers. I think you will get along,"

"Sweet, I can't wait to meet them," I say.

"Shall we go?" He asks as he puts out his elbow.

"We shall," I say and link my arm in his.

Cute New Kid | Emerson Barett | Palaye RoyaleWhere stories live. Discover now