Chapter 2:

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Zacherina was exhausted at those few hours,

but she didn't mind it anymore.

She always had in mind that,

shaqina will be her mortal enemy.

It was recess when zacherina is in the library,

looking for the most boring stories.

While she was searching for her favored book,

she had an insight of a trash can.

She looked for a bin and saw a book,

"the devil's cup" she was really bizarre!"this book is ridiculous!

how did this amazing book get in here?

Its not even owned by the school?

But it has no name?!

Let's give it a try,

she read the book.

while she is reading, she feels that it is just repeating over and over again.

"Shit?" She asked herself. She didn't keep reading because there were few missing pages.

Minutes later.

Hey!how's your life going? Arkaine asked.

"Nah!not likely that much"

"You didn't pick up your books? Why?"

"Long story." she sighed

"But dont worry its still in the car"


They chatted for a couple of hours in the cafeteria.

"Zach? Why don't we eat lunch outside? I have something to tell you" Arkaine said

"Sure,what is it about?"

"Just go with me," he replied.


it's short again.

ugh! I. will try better next time.:-)

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