Chapter 6: depth of Nazar, Empire of the mermaids

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"Where in earth are we?" Nick asked

"How magical,the book;it didn't get wet" zacherina said

"Well, I think we are in the marine empire" ixe said

"Surely we are,it says here in the book, the devil's cup chapter 2: "the passage" says,there was a great empire in the island of tantrums named after the enemy of king nazar,king of the sea.

Tantrum refuses to cooperate with nazar,there for,king nazar and his soldiers crushed the island of tantrums but,it was too late before nazar killed tantrum, tantrum,sent his flocks and abled to destroy king nazar. before tantrum died, he made a vow, the sea will be named after a great king of mermaids and that who ever comes to his island shall be eaten by the sea..." zacherina explained

"Wow," jacob was amazed

"Whew,"ixe and isabel sighed seeing a mermaid...

"I-I--I really don't expect mermaids are beautiful...but they do have pretty voices" Arkaine said

"Oh,handsome human,white as sea sand, eyes are bluer than the sky and lips are more tender than the the fore-blooded corals.." a mermaid said to nick...

"Oh?! Me? Are you kidding? Or is it just umm,first time you ate pizza?" Nick replied

"What is a pizza?!" The mermaid asked

"Never mind,but what is your name by the way?!" Nick chuckled.

"I'm cristella,sea princess;daughter of nazar and parisia??" The sea maiden replied

"Oh,nice to meet you,your highness."nick replied

They crew stood up and found out they were in the midst of the marine empire

"I can't believe it,we are mermaids..." jacob said

"Yeah me too" ixe said

They crew was in the waters of nazar and the sea maidens gave them a special pearl necklace that gives them the ability to have fish tail and gills

Parisia the queen of the sea gave them a tour around the domain through the waters of nazar.

"Parisia, I-I mean queen, could you tell us more?" Zacherina said

"Oh sure,let's go to the palace" the queen replied.

The crew traveled back to the castle.

"You should read the book well dear, you and your fellows; play an important role in this island.

dear, travel to the dark empire...and see the the real reason why you are here." parisia said

"O,oh-oh yeah sure,queen"

"Dear,please help us

parisia begged but here,take this key,this will lead you to the dark empire."

"You can trust us" isabel assured.

"Rj and Cj will lead you to the portal" parisia suggested

"Wha-what? I thought Cj is in the crew with us? " zacherina said

"He jumped in the water" isabel said

They didn't mind the troubles.

important is that they will know the secrets of the book.

They didn't even bother to ask that Cj and Rj are twin sea nymphs.

they didn't even bother to get scared that the twins have one eye only.

Except for jacob.

They entered the portal.


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