chapter 5: the island of tantrums

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"Isabel,do you really think this island of tantrums is fully of babies?" Jacob asked

"I dont think so." isabel replied

"Nonsense. "krish replied

Hours passed by,

"I better leave," Cj said

"You're leaving? In this situation? What the hell are you thinking? Jumping in the water like a bastard hero?" Isabel cried

"You don't know what creature I am, so would you please excuse me." Cj answered

"Whatever,do what you want!" Isabel replied

Cj jumped in the water.

"They will never make it" he said

Cj hastily swam on the water.

On the other side, the crew didn't even know that they are coasting in the waters of nazar.

"What's happening?" jacob was frightened

"Maybe the portal opened? Say,the bermuda triangle have a portal. maybe, we will also land on the same thing?! Right?" Arkaine explained

"We will not pass through the triangle, look," zacherina pointed

They saw a big and heavy clouds on the west.

"Told you guys...we can't get through the triangle's portal."zacherina said

After a few moments the ship was loosing its balance...

"Moommmy." jacob was already trembling

"What the hell is wrong with you jacob!"  Krish exclaimed vigorously

The yacht is slowly sinking.


Mermaids are starting to appear in the waters.

"Zach,we have no options,we need to jump!" Arkaine said

Nick and isabel jumped first ; ixe

And krish followed, Arkaine and zacherina jumped after and jacob jumped the last.

It was twelve high noon when they jumped into the water and now,no one is found floating up in the water.

Hours passed.


what do you think? where did they go.uhu??? AAAEEEiiioooouu??

please comment and vote!!:-)

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