Chapter 3:

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Chapter 3: the scattered pages

"Could you still remember this photo of yours?" Arkaine asked

"Sort of? Why?"

"I saw it in one of these pages,"

"The pages look familiar!? It seems,they are the pages in the book that I'm reading!" Zacherina exclaimed.

She took out the book, and puzzled "it out.she placed torn pages back to its proper order.

"Ummm, Arkaine do you have any tape?,glue, or something sticky?" She asked

"Zacherina Willson?! I think we don't need something sticky anymore" Arkaine said

They looked amazed! The pages were sticking back on their proper designation by itself!

"Why am I part of this story? I dont even know who wrote it?!" Zacherina said

"Why don't we find it out right?" Arkaine suggested

"But I don't know where to start? There are still some missing pages?!she cried.

"Well,let's look for it."

Later that afternoon.

Jacob Brown is in the basketball court.

"What are the papers doing in here?"jacob asked

He took them and left.

Goddamn papers,scattering out of nowhere,he clamored.

When he was about to throw the the papers,

"Hold that!" Zacherina shouted at jacob.

He looked at zacherina.

"Why? Is it yours?" Jacob asked

"Just follow us" she replied...

Soon enough they went in a place where it is not that noisy.

"Jake, your so dumb," zacherina said

"Me, wh--why?"

"You are just throwing these papers without even reading it or taking a look at it!" Arkaine interrupted

"Sorry," jacob said

"Now listen,I just recapped the story,

Me,you;Arkaine,jacob?!, we need to find, nick carter,isabel ashton,ixe robinson, and krish anderson,...right now " zacherina said


"Shut your mouth jacob! " zacherina said...

"Fine!" He clamored...

A couple of hours later.

They found all of the missing pieces.

" So,Nick found them in his bag, isabel got it in her locker,ixe got it near the bench's rear and krish got it in the toilet... so any problem guys?"

"Toilet?."..jacob snorted

"Where in saturn is your problem jacob!" Zacherina said angrily

"And why are we here?" Ixe asked

"You'll know it soon enough.

guys but,listen for a moment please.

we are on a quest,a quest no one knows why are we in this book,summer is just a few minutes later.we are doing this quest tomorrow.

we will meet you all in krispy kreme. nine o' clock sharp. remember nine o' clock sharp okay!!

Be there asap." zacherina ordered immediately.

There was a short silence before everyone went on their business.

"Awkward" jacob whispered

"Fuck you dick head!" Arkaine shouted at him.

"Just,stop it Arkaine, dont mind him." zacherina said

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