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Skylar loved to cause trouble and was always up for a fight, like her brother James she was strong and fit, but unlike her brother Skylar wasn't against breaking the law to have "a bit of fun". Skylar was 16 and a little small for her age, but she was very pretty, with long blonde hair and sky blue eyes, her face was round with rosey cheeks and freckles dotted all over it. She had a face of innocence and always used it to her advantage.

James's best friend Steve Rodgers found her very annoying because one of her most favourite hobbies was to sneak around after him pretending to be a thug and trick him into cornering himself into street allies.

Steve had the same attitudes as Skylar about joining the war but unlike her it wasn't his age or gender that stopped him it was his health, Steve had asthma which meant he failed the physical every time he tried and he tried so many times using different names and addresses.

When James left to join the war he left both Skylar and Steve with one task, keep each other safe and out of trouble.

But soon after James's departure Steve disappeared, Skylar searched all of Brooklyn and had just about given up on finding him when one day a shoot out starts on the main street and she ran to go watch when she got there she saw him Skylar could swear it was Steve.

He looked a lot different, he was no longer a small skinny kid, this guy was strong and fast but he had Steve's courage and his face looked the exact same to her, suddenly a women called "Steve" that was all the proof she needed that it was him, Skylar was about to run to him when Steve and the lady got in a car and they drive away out of Brooklyn.

"I've lost him again" Skylar said to herself "James is going to kill me if he finds out about this".

After weeks of research in the local library (Skylar's least favourite place in the city as she thought it smelled funny and had too many rules), she found out that Steve was now doing stage shows to rase money for the troops that were fighting in the war.

"Still not allowed to fight himself " Skylar laughed to herself, his next gig was at an army base in Germany, "How the hell am I going to get to Germany" she said to herself.

But soon Skylar came up with a plan and packed a bag, the show had been two days before so she hoped steve was going to hang around or at least that someone there knew were he went after. Skylar snuck into an army base and hide in the luggage compartment on an aeroplane that was going straight to the camp sight to deliver supplies to the troops, it was very comfortable there and she had hardly slept the night before due to both fear and excitement so she soon fell asleep.

When the aeroplane landed at the base she was still asleep and two soldiers found her, they told the commander who instructed them to put her in the bed in his tent.

When Skylar woke up the commander was sitting at her side which scared her, she jumped up putting her fists up ready to fight "Who are you?" he asked calmly when he saw that she was awake as if he had been in this situation many times before "What are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for Steve Rodgers" Skylar answered, as soon as she did his expression changed and a lady walked in, it was the same one that she saw in Brooklyn she was with Steve she was the one who got him into the car. "Where is he" Skylar asked in a demanding voice but no one answered her question.

"Your a little young to be a friend of his. Who are you" the lady asked in a soft voice as if talking to a little child.

Skylar hated people talking to her like that "I'm his friend James's sister" she spat back. Both the commander's and the ladies expression changed they looked like they had to tell someone there child died, then Skylar realised they 'were' about to say someone died she was at an army camp in Germany during a war of course someone died but which one Steve or James.

"Who" Skylar asked with a sigh.

"I'm sorry ?" the lady began.
"Which one died Steve or James" Skylar spat. The lady was taken aback for a second and then regained her composure and answered "your brother fell off a train from a great height a few days ago we still haven't found the body".

There it was her brother was dead she felt like someone had punched her in the chest and breathing was quickly becoming hard for her but she hid it as much as she could.

Then the lady began speaking again,
"Steve yesterday flew a plane into the ocean to stop a powerful weapon that was made by a group of Nazi scientists called Hydra both Steve and your brother died stopping Hydra they saved a lot of people".

This was too much for Skylar she felt like she had beaten to a pulp and left for dead by her attackers, this was all to much, Skylar grabbed her bag from beside the bed and ran out and kept running she didn't know if she would ever stop running she could hear them calling after her but she had to get away and that name 'Hydra' it sent a chill down her spine just thinking about it Skylar had not thought about Hydra in years but if they killed James she didn't care about the risks she wanted revenge.

Skylar saw red but kept running she knew were to go now she knew she was ready to fight.

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