The Office

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At the bottom of the hall they reached a door of that was guarded by two soldiers.

Theo opened the door and pushed Skylar into the room. It was a dimly lit room with a large book shelf on two sides of the room and a large wooden desk opposite the door, the only light in the room was coming from a small lamp on the desk Skylar could only see the outline of a large built man sitting behind it looking at files sitting on the desk, behind him was a large hydra symbol.

The man looked up from his desk and then looked back down at his files.
"close the door" he said still not looking up, Theo let go of Skylar and closed the door then returned to her side but didn't grab her arm again.

They both stood there in awkward silence for about five minutes until Skylar got bored and started to fake cough, Theo stared at her like he was going to kill her but couldn't stop a small smile appearing on his face.

The man behind the desk looked much less pleased at Skylar's disturbances, but she didn't really care and began to walk around the room. Theo tried to grab her arm but she slipped away from him and shot him a knowing smile as she walked over to one of the book shelves, the man behind the desk was no longer looking at his files but staring at Skylar.

"Have you read all these books" Skylar asked looking at the man and smiling "this one is the American National Defence plan, I'm pretty sure you shouldn't have this" she continued as she pulled a book off the shelve and began to flip through the pages "what is SHIELD?".

" Would you put that back" the man behind the desk shouted at her which made her jump a little, the last time someone shouted at her like that was James when he found out she broke into the local café to eat some food and robbed the safe in the back. She had forgotten how similar her father actually was to her brother especially towards Skylar when she was messing with their heads.

Skylar put the defence plan back on the shelf

"Who exactly are you ?" the man behind the desk asked.

"No one of importance" Skylar answered with a smile looking straight at him. She then began to walk towards his desk calmly as if it was the normal procedure. The man behind the desk started to shift in his chair making himself sit up straighter as if tho make himself look bigger and taller.

"But you must be," she paused "important that is, with a big office like this" she smiled, now standing right at the desk, noticing she was making him slightly uncomfortable, she lay her hands on the desk leaning on them slightly, and tilted her head as if she was examining him.

Skylar could now see what he looked like, he was as well built as she remembered, but what Skylar found most facenating was a large scar he had on his face it ran from his forehead down to his check but his eye was normal unmarked, she never remembered that on his face, she wondered how it happened. But suddenly Skylar noticed that something about his eyes made her shiver a little as if they were looking into her mind to find out who she was. She turned and began to mindlessly walk around the room again trying to distract herself from the bad feeling she now had, it was as if the room was now the most uncomfortable place on Earth. Then  she suddenly realized Theo will tell him who she was, she had to get both of them out of the office as quickly as possible.

Luckily Skylar thought of a way to get out of this unwanted situation quickly. She continued to walk around the room mindlessly and soon ended up standing right in front of Theo, she then jumped backwards, landed on the floor and shouted "ow what the hell I didn't do anything". The man raised of his seat staring at both Theo and Skylar, curious as to what was happening and why.

Theo started to walk towards her, she then screamed "Stay away from me" crawling backwards on the floor.

Two very built men ran in at the sound of the commotion and looked at Skylar on the floor and Theo standing above her, at this moment Theo realized what she was doing and smiled at her knowingly, but it was too late, one of the men instinctively grabbed Theo and started to pull him away. The other walked over to Skylar and helped her up and began to take her out of the room and back to her cell.

Skylar sounded like she was panting as if coming down from shock and her hair was hiding most of her face as the man pulled her on, not noticing her mischievous smile she was wearing. She was out and her father had no clue who she was or what she was doing there.

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