Chapter Fifteen

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My dad looked like he was about to fall over. I gave him a big hug, and my heart felt like it was swelling inside my chest. I hadn't seen my dad for a while now, and I missed him so much. He pulled away and brought us inside. It was just as I remembered it: leather couches surrounding the TV, a large formal dining table in the dining room, the smell of burning coming from the broken oven.

"Callisto, how did you know your dad would be here? People at camp said that you were from Pittsburgh, I think." Hayden inquired.

I started to explain. "This is my old home, where I lived with my dad and grandparents. When they died, my dad couldn't afford to pay for the house anymore, but the government let him keep it as his own property. He comes here every Christmas, because he only has enough money to pay for it for about two months. Plus, it's his childhood home. And mine. " I looked around, old memories starting to resurface in my mind.

"Callisto, you can stay in your old room if you want." My dad piped up. "The boys can stay in the guest room. You three get ready, and I'll make you some dinner." I rushed up the stairs. I didn't know that Dad kept my old things in my room. I didn't bring a lot of my stuff to Pittsburgh when we moved, since we just moved to Pittsburgh at the start of last school year, so a lot of my old memoirs were still in here. The white walls and satin curtains blended perfectly with each other. Some old pictures I had left behind were still sitting on my desk in a frame. My old stuffed bear was still resting on my bed. I hadn't seen that bear in a long time.

"Nice room." I turned around. Hayden and Alex were standing in the doorway, already in their pajamas. "Now get ready, before we eat all of the good food that your dad made." And with that being said, they raced out of my room and down the stairs. I put on a fresh pair of pajamas from my pack and went downstairs too. I could smell dinner before I even reached the dining room. The sweet aroma of roast beef, biscuits, and asparagus filled the air. The boys were already at the table with my dad, eager to eat.

"Jee, Owl Girl. Why so slow?" Hayden grinned.

"Oh, I'm sorry Sunshine Boy." We laughed, and my dad looked at us, his eyes darting back and forth.

"Callisto, it is so good to see you again." he smiled, taking a bite of his roast beef.
"When you didn't come back home from school a few days ago, I was worried that something happened to you. Then Chiron Iris-messaged me and told me that you made it to Camp Half Blood safely." He helped himself to some of the asparagus. "So, Callisto, do you know who your mother is already? And why she had to leave?" He softened his voice, it was almost at a whisper now.

"Yes, Dad. I do know. My mother is Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom and useful arts." My dad just nodded. He knew all of this already, and he had taken the news okay. I looked at Hayden, who was staring at the ground, melancholy blooming on his face. It must have been hard for him to see my dad talk about my mom so calmly, especially with the situation that he had in the past. He forced himself to look up.

"So, Mr. Gates," Hayden started to say. "Is there anything you can do to aid us on this quest?"

"Oh, um, could you please, explain a little bit about your quest? And what you've been doing? I want to make sure Callisto hasn't been harmed to harshly." I started to explain the quest to find Asher, with Hayden and Alex coming in at certain times to fill in the details. We told him about the wolves, the Hunter of Artemis, and the empousae. My dad would just nod or shake his head.

"I am afraid that I do not have any information to help you on your quest," he sighed. "But all I can do is freshen you up and give you supplies, and then send you on your way with my love. I am sorry I can't do any more than that."

"It's okay Mr. Gates, really it is," Alex responded. "But we thank you for your hospitality."

"Any time, um,"
"Alex, sir. Alex Holland, son of the Greek goddess Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty."

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