Chapter 34

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A/n Lol I think I'm actually posting too much, not enough time for u to embrace the cliffhangers. This will only be short and the next one might be tomorrow night, tell me if you want me to keep posting very often or if u want the chapters a bit more spaced out!

Mia's POV

Mia dropped her phone in astonishment. Had Lizzie been lying, letting everyone think she was dead? Mia wanted to be extremely angry at Lizzie for this, but at the same time she felt relieved - very relieved that she could still be alive.

M= Where would Lizzie be staying.... Wait Joel wasn't at school today, Joel's house! (mumbles to self)

She runs over to Joel's house. It takes her a couple of minutes to arrive there, and Mia feels butterflies fluttering around viciously in her anxious stomach. Would she see Lizzie?

With courage, Mia knocks on the door three times. She heard footsteps approaching the door, and Mia held her breath until the door was open.

M= Joel!

J= Mia? If your here to take advantage of me cause of Lizzie's death, then get out of here, cause that's sick.

M= Joel... No. I looked on twitter and- wait is Lizzie not alive? (Says in a shaky voice)

J= Umm..

M= I was worried sick about how you were feeling. You should have seen the school funeral. I think someone took a video with their expensive camera... It might be online. Actually, it definitely will be online. Please look, and decide whether to let me in or not. (sighs and is about to cry)

J= Ok, I'll be back.

A few minutes later, Joel comes back to the door with circles under his eyes, and tears dribbling down his face.

J= I forgive you, Mia. And I'm sure Lizzie does too.

M= Is she alive?

J= Um

M= PLEASE! I need to know!

J= Come in.

Mia steps into the house, and Joel closes the door behind her.

J= Lizzie, you have a visitor. Don't be freaked out by her, she's nice for a change.

Lizzie peered round the corner and saw Mia, her mouth dripped open.

L= Mia?

M= LIZZIE! OMG (runs up and hugs) I can't believe you kept yourself a secret! I was so sad I could have bursted! I'm so sorry! I can't believe I'm with you! Ahhh! (Hugs again) (cries with tears of joy).

L= Mia? I thought -

J= Let's all sit down on the couch. I have a video to show you Liz.

After Lizzie watches the video, she hugs Mia and forgives her. They reunite, and cry with each other. Joel looks at them with happiness and hugs them both.

L= We need to tell the school I'm alive. I can't imagine what others are going through.

J= Tomorrow?

Mia and Lizzie= Tomorrow.

Suddenly, all three if their phones beep in unison.

They see a message on their phones that links them to an unpublished article made by someone named Jem:


Elizabeth D**** has been found on YouTube by the name LDShadowlady. She has been held captive by a boy named Joel, who was the boy who found Elizabeth. Police are setting out to find him, as he has been keeping a suffering girl prisoned in his tiny home. How low can you get? One person named Jemma said, "How much more eventful can this story get? And Lizzie should be put in jail too, as she kept the secret too."
Daily News.

J= This cannot be happening.

L= Sh*t.

M= We are in trouble.

J= It's my birthday in a couple of days, I am not about to be arrested on my b-day!

L= You haven't even done anything!

J= That's not what others think....

(A/n Quick shout out to internallyxscreaming for her amazing Jizzie story! We support each other and may or may not be bezzos in real life too... Go read her story and support her as much as you have supported me because it's truly amazing! Thx x)

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