CHAPTER 11 (The Story)

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The next morning, I was in my office writing down a letter to give to one of my clients.

I rushed out of the house early so that I would begin covering the work I had left during my absence. I dressed up in comfortable clothes, so I was able to move able to move faster throughout the day. I wore a pair of white sneakers, light blue elastic jeans, and a large ash sweater.

As I typed down on my laptop, my eyes fell on the bracelet my mother had given me the day before she died. It was the only thing I had left from her, so I wore it every day.

I never really remember anything from my past, like the first time I rode a bike, or my first time in junior high, or the first birthday I could have ever remembered. But the only thing that came to mind when am thinking about the past is the moment when my mom was killed. It always terrifies me. Sleeping and dreaming of the man that killed your mother and made you an orphan, it was terrifying, but it also made me angry. To think that my mother’s killer could still be alive; I hated him for that.

As I thought about my mom, it made me realize that I never even knew who my father was. I had not even bothered to find out, I was so engulfed in the love I had for my mother that it didn’t even cross my mind to search for the other partner who helped in bringing me to life.
I made up my mind to search for him after I was done with the letter. But before I could finish the note, there was a knock on my down. Knock Knock

“Come in” I said to the other person behind the door.
The door opened slowly revealing Cassy.
“Cassy!” I said surprised to see her again. Our session was already over so there was no point in her coming back again. And plus, she had already come by to thank me once.

“What are you doing here? Is something wrong?” I asked her.

“Oh no Miss Bello, I actually came here to check on you and see how you are doing, that’s all”. Her red hair fell to the front of her face and she pushed it back using her right hand.

“Well, that’s very thoughtful of you”, I was now walking toward her to give her a hug. “I’m doing just fine.” I said with a smile.

“Forgive me for asking but are you sure?” she said releasing me from the hug. Her face now held a concern look on it. “Last time we spoke you seemed to be very off and disturbed.”

“Nah, that was just a minor problem, it’s all ok now, I promise.” I said with a warm smile.

“For what it’s worth, Miss Bello, I think you should face your problems head on without backing down, just like you taught me, and to not give yourself to fear because only then will you become weak.” I just starred at her pleased by her words. She had learn to become strong and dependent because of me, and it warmed my heart to see her that way.

“Thank you Cassy, I really appropriate those kind words, it meant everything to me…” I couldn’t finish what I was saying because I heard a knock on my door. The door came open and both Cassy and I turned our heads to see Abdul at the door.

I looked back at Cassy again and gave her another tight hug almost squeezing her.

“You stay strong too, ok” I said. She nodded in response and went out the door but not before acknowledging Abdul. After she left, my attention was now fully on Abdul, and I noticed something that wasn’t there before.

“Abdul, what happened to your face?” I asked rushing over to meet him and inspecting the large bruises on his face.

“Well, I got into a fight last night with some taxi guy, he was a really big fella” he said standing still as I explored his bruised face.

“Now what did I tell you about getting into fights?”

“In my defense, he started it.” He said raising his hand defensively.

“And you had to end it”

“Eh, well if you put it that way, it means I won.”

“And of course you didn’t.” I was now looking at him with serious eyes and my hands were folded just below my chest.

“Hey, I did say he was a big fella. You should have seen him, he looked like that really tall guy in the wrestling match we normally watch, expect he drives a taxi.” I just kept staring at him with one of my eyebrow lifted up.

“Plus, I felt like I left him with a bruise or two.”

“Well, you obviously didn’t get anyway close to his face with that eye.” I said walking to cupboard to get a med-kit. “One more punch and you would have gone blind.”

“Hahaha, very funny.” He said sarcastically. Before he could say another word, I interrupted.

“Who was that guy anyway?” I asked. Worried that someone out there could leave a bruise this bad and still be on the streets.

“Just a really big and heavy taxi man.” He said. “Aren’t you going to tell me about the trip to Africa?”

It dawned on me that I hadn’t had time to think of what I would say. Should I tell Abdul just like I told Larry? I don’t think Abdul would know when am lying, I mean, he is a friend but not as close as Larry so it wasn’t possible, was it? Could he be one of those guys that secretly stalks his friends, and knows a lot about them and yet pretends to know nothing?

“Sophia?” I realized I spaced out so I immediately resumed my cool. I took the med-kit to where Abdul was and put it down on the arm of a chair before looking at him.

“Nothing happened. Frankly, I felt quite bored, you know, with waiters carrying drinks everywhere and a slow jazz music playing, I felt like the odd one amongst them, you know” Abdul kept staring at me, expecting more than that to be released to him. “Well, I met a couple of his friends but that’s it. I told him I had work to do and all he said was ‘ok’”.

Abdul starred at me in disbelief, but it felt like he was trying to figure me out. He never expected something like that, maybe something dramatic, but certainly not that.

“Ok, is what he said, really?” he asked
I nodded my head. “And just like that, here I am” I said demonstrating with my hands.

“What you guys need is a real family time, without work, you all work too much” he said taking a seat unconsciously.

“You really think so?” I asked him as a soaked apiece of wool in spirit.

“I don’t think so, I know so. Both of you need to spend some time with each other again, you know, get to know yourselves once again.” I paused and starred at him. He placed his hand on mine. “Look, you may not remember who he was but I know who you are.” He said then retrieved his hand.

“Ok, now stay still, and let me show you who I am” I told him totally ignoring the speech he had just given me.

“If am going to stay still, you will have to hold me down, because there is no way in…” before he could finish talking, I place the wool on the bruise right next to is eye and the next thing I heard was screams coming from him.


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