Chapter 19

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After a few months, I was standing in front of a two story building in a quiet neighborhood, debating whether or not to go ahead.

I walked to the front door and rang the bell. I regretted doing it the moment it was done.
"This is stupid." I said to myself. I had tracked the last town my mother was in, but was unable to get an address, so I have been going door to door. As the walked down the steps, the door swung open and I turned to see a young girl by the door.

She wore a red and black checked shirt with black skinny jeans. She carried a school bag with her so it was safe to say she was in high school. But then it was the middle of the day so she probably might not be going to school. She also had multiple piercings in one ear but covered it with her dark brown hair. She might be hiding them from her mom.

"Hello, can I help you miss." The young girl said.

"Um, yes uh. I...Is your mom at home?" I asked

"Mom. There's a lady out here looking for you." She screamed back inside the house. Seconds later a car pulled up in front of the house, with two persons inside.

"Mom I gotta go, Andy and Laura are here." She screamed inside once more, and without waiting for a response was down the walkway towards the car.

I watched her as she entered into the parked car and watched it zoom off. She looked younger than I was when my mom supposedly died. I heard a woman voice behind me just as the car was going. When I turned back, I saw a lady in apron, she was wearing rubber gloves and had her hair packed back into a bun, but I recognized her immediately. Sarah.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The lady said.

"Mom." The words escaping my mouth before I was able to think about it. It looked like she was trying to figure out who I was, but then her wrists went towards her mouth, and I saw her stagger a little.
Then she said "Sophia."

Moments Later

We were sitting in a homely living room with two cups of steaming coffee on the table. We had been talking for some time and I was more than determined to ask every little question that I had painted in my head. I thought after seeing my mom for real, I'd be more happy, but after everything that has happened, all I have is questions.

"Yes, he is your father." She said, and I watched her expecting more. "I found out two weeks after we were together. It was wrong for a chosen to had a child because then the power and responsibilities would fall on the child after the parent was gone. So I didn't tell anyone, only Dwayne knew I had a child, but he didn't know it was his. Cain on the other hand wanted to bear a child with me, one that he could control to harness the powers of the world with, that's why I left him. I'm sorry Sophia," she said, her voice beginning to break down.

"I never wanted you to experience any of that life. I'm sorry, I was being selfish, I..." She was saying as tears rolled down her eyes but I interrupted.

"It's ok mom, I saw what you did. Your other self showed it to me." She stared at me curiously as if to say 'say more'. "She had been imprisoned in the book since the day you, I mean she, made the spell." None of us spoke after. I was thinking of what next to say and I think she was too. It was kind of an awkward situation.

Then I remembered the bracelet and brought it out from my jacket.
"I thought maybe I should give this back to you," I placed the item on her palm. "I thought perhaps you didn't have anything to remind you of Dwayne, so I thought maybe you should have it." I said.

"Oh my God Sophia," she stared at it for a bit, then handed it back to me. "I'm sorry I can't have it. It was made for you."

"I know, that's why you should have it. As a reminder that I became the person you wanted me to be, the person Dwyane tried to make me." As said rubbing her fist with my thumb. Tears rolled down her eyes and mine also.

Then the door opened and the young girl voice filled the house, I didn't know it was already dark. I didn't plan at all to stay this long.
"I think I should be going." I said getting up. Sarah dried her face first before getting up and escorting me to the door. I met with the girl, just by the door, she was staring at the both of us.

"Sophia, this is my daughter Alex. Alex this is Sophia, she's friend," Sarah said and the little girl waved at me to which I just smiled back.
"Sarah wait upstairs for me ok."

Alex ran up the stairs after her mother finished talking. I and Sarah walked towards the door.
"I don't know why I was spared," I began saying. "I killed everyone. Duni, Cole, even my Dad and..." I looked at her. "Not you."

"That's because am no longer a relic. If I hadn't created replicas and I had done all that myself, I would probably be dead but I did and like you said it book took made it its prisoner. I always knew there was a prize to pay for doing what I did, I just wanted it to be on my terms."

"And this is my prize to pay." I said then stepped outside.

"Sophia, I know things are not the way you wanted them to be but I want you to know that I still love you, with all my heart." She pulled me in for a deep hug. I hugged her tightly, taking in the scent of her.

Then I walked back to my car and drove of.
The next morning, I sat in my office, staring blankly at the shelf of books from my swirling chair.
I didn't know what to expect. Everything started the moment I noticed the book amongst my other collection, now that it was gone along with everyone who thought to use it wrongly, I'd like for it to show up, but I knew that would never happen.

Then I turned on the news and saw the most drastic thing ever. Beasts. They had been killing people in the Asian countries. But where did they come from.

I suddenly remembered what Abdul said 'You did this Sophia. You have released the powers of the book into the earth, and now you must...' and I knew this was my prize to pay.

As I stared at the TV, I felt a vibration in my body like a cold air just blew past me. Then I turned around and saw myself.

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